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Master of Business (MBSI) - MBusInv

CRICOS code (International applicants): 086146D

This program is offered only to continuing students. No new admissions will be accepted. Students who are interested in this study area should .

Start:Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 3 (November)
Campus:Springfield, Toowoomba -
Fees:Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Standard duration:1.5 years full-time, up to 6 years part-time 
Program articulation:

From: Graduate Certificate of Business

To: Doctor of Business Administration ; Doctor of Philosophy


Not all specialisations are offered in on-campus mode. Where a specialisation is offered on-campus, it may not be offered in that mode at all campuses.
There are limited courses available in semester 3.

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Contact us

Future Australian and New Zealand students  Future International students  Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: study@usq.edu.au  

Phone: +61 7 4631 5543
Email: international@usq.edu.au 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email usq.support@usq.edu.au 

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Program aims

The Master of Business and Innovation is an advanced cross disciplinary academic program that aims to build and extend business related skills in two specialised areas. It provides students with the ability to match their specialisations with their career goals.

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Program objectives

Upon completion of the Master of Business and Innovation, students will be able to:

  • demonstrate advanced and integrated understanding of a complex body of knowledge in business and emerging cross-disciplinary specialisations

  • independently undertake critical analysis, reflect on and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories in business and emerging cross-disciplines

  • engage in independent research using a relevant theoretical framework as a practitioner or learner

  • demonstrate expert judgement, autonomy and responsibility in the application of established theories to a body of knowledge or practice

  • communicate knowledge, skills and ideas to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

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Australian Qualifications Framework

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is a single national, comprehensive system of qualifications offered by higher education institutions (including universities), vocational education and training institutions and secondary schools. Each AQF qualification has a set of descriptors which define the type and complexity of knowledge, skills and application of knowledge and skills that a graduate who has been awarded that qualification has attained, and the typical volume of learning associated with that qualification type.

This program is at AQF Qualification Level 09. Graduates at this level will have specialised knowledge and skills for research, and/or professional practice and/or further learning.

The full set of levels criteria and qualification type descriptors can be found by visiting .

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

  • completion of an Australian university Bachelor degree in the area of business, or equivalent.

  • English Language Proficiency requirements for Category 3.

For candidates who have a Bachelor degree or equivalent (AQF level 7) in a non-related discipline from a recognised institution, USQ’s Graduate Certificate of Business provides an articulation pathway into the Master of Business and Innovation. Upon completion and achievement of a minimum GPA of 4.0, they will be eligible for entry into the Master of Business and Innovation.

Candidates with a Graduate Certificate (AQF level 8) or higher qualification in any discipline may apply for entry into the Master of Business and Innovation. Eligibility for entry will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

All students are required to satisfy the applicable .

If students do not meet the English language requirements they may apply to study a University-approved . On successful completion of the English language program, students may be admitted to an award program.

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Program fees

Domestic full fee paying place

Domestic full fee paying places are funded entirely through the full fees paid by the student. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the

Domestic full fee paying students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called provided they meet the residency and citizenship requirements.

Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, Permanent Resident visa holders and New Zealand citizens who will be resident outside Australia for the duration of their program pay full tuition fees and are not eligible for .

International full fee paying place

International students pay full fees. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken and whether they are studied on-campus, via distance education/online. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

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Program structure

The Master of Business and Innovation is comprised of 12 units. All students must complete:

  • two coursework specialisations of 4 units each (8 units)

  • one research specialisation (4 units).

Note: Students must successfully complete 8 units of the program before enrolling in (1 unit) and (1 unit).

Normally these courses should be undertaken in the final semester of study.

Coursework Specialisations

Select two coursework specialisations from the following:

  • Applied Human Resource Management

  • Big Data and Visualisation

  • Crisis Management

  • Digital Transformation

  • Enterprise Leadership

  • Finance

  • Finance and Wealth Management

  • General

  • International Business

  • Professional Communication

  • Strategic Human Resource Management

  • Sustainable Business

Research Specialisations

  • To be eligible to apply for entry to the Doctor of Philosophy, students must normally:

    • successfully complete the program with an overall GPA of 5.0 and;

    • achieve a GPA of 5.75 for the 4-unit Research Specialisation

  • Students who enter the Doctor of Philosophy program from the Research Specialisation in the Master of Business and Innovation program will normally be required to complete two units of research methods and the two-unit confirmation of candidature course in the Doctor of Philosophy program.

  • Students who successfully complete the Master of Business and Innovation and who are not eligible for entry into the Doctor of Philosophy should check their eligibility for entry into the Doctor of Business Administration.

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Required time limits

Students have a maximum of six years to complete this program.

Specific specialisations

In this section:

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Applied Human Resources Management specialisation

This program has successfully met the criteria for accreditation with the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) when combined with the ‘Strategic Human Resource Management’ specialisation.

Course  Semester of offer
Semester of offer
Toowoomba campus 
Semester of offer
Springfield campus 

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Big Data and Visualisation specialisation

Course  Semester of offer
Semester of offer
Toowoomba campus 
Semester of offer
Springfield campus 
  1, 2  1. 2   
  1, 2  1, 2 
  1, 3   

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Crisis Management specialisation

Course  Semester of offer
Semester of offer
Toowoomba campus 
Semester of offer
Springfield campus 
PRL8007 Community Participation>     

<This course is offered in odd-numbered years only.
>This course is offered in even-numbered years only.

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Digital Transformation specialisation

Course  Semester of offer
Semester of offer
Toowoomba campus 
Semester of offer
Springfield campus 
  1, 2 
  2, 3 
  2, 3 
  2, 3 

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Enterprise Leadership specialisation

Course  Semester of offer
Semester of offer
Toowoomba campus 
Semester of offer
Springfield campus 
  1, 2     

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Finance specialisation

Course  Semester of offer
Semester of offer
Toowoomba campus 
Semester of offer
Springfield campus 
  1, 3 
  1, 2 

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General specialisation

The General specialisation comprises any 4 courses from the Master of Business Administration, Master of Project Management and Master of Business and Innovation as well as other postgraduate courses from across the university subject to the approval of the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts and meeting any prerequisite requirements. To discuss which courses to study within the General specialisation, please .

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International Business specialisation

Course  Semester of offer
Semester of offer
Toowoomba campus 
Semester of offer
Springfield campus 

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Professional Communication specialisation

Course  Semester of offer
Semester of offer
Toowoomba campus 
Semester of offer
Springfield campus 
PRL5004 Professional Communication>     
PRL8003 Strategic Communication Planning>     

<This course is offered in odd-numbered years only.
>This course is offered in even-numbered years only.

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Strategic Human Resource Management specialisation

This program has successfully met the criteria for accreditation with the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) when combined with the ‘Applied Human Resource Management’ specialisation.

Course  Semester of offer
Semester of offer
Toowoomba campus 
Semester of offer
Springfield campus 

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Sustainable Business specialisation

Course  Semester of offer
Semester of offer
Toowoomba campus 
Semester of offer
Springfield campus 
  1, 2, 3     

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Research specialisation

Students who complete the Research Specialisation as part of their program will be eligible to apply for entry to the PhD program subject to achieving a minimum GPA of 5.75 in the four research units and meeting other PhD entry requirements.

Course  Semester of offer
Semester of offer
Toowoomba campus 
Semester of offer
Springfield campus 
  1, 2   
  1, 2     
  1, 2     

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IT requirements

For information technology requirements please refer to the .

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Other program requirements

Students must maintain good standing in this program. Please refer to the .

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The Master of Business and Innovation articulates from the Graduate Certificate of Business. On completion of the Master of Business and Innovation, students may be eligible for entry into the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), provided they meet necessary entry requirements. Please refer to the DBA and the PhD for further information, or contact the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts.

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Exit points

A student who chooses not to complete or who does not maintain good standing in this program may be permitted to exit with a lesser qualification as set out below:

  • a student who successfully completes eight Master of Business and Innovation units may, upon application, exit with a Graduate Diploma of Business. .

  • a student who successfully completes four Master of Business and Innovation units may, upon application, exit with a Graduate Certificate of Business. .

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Credit may be granted on the basis of completed equivalent postgraduate study from a recognised university. In order for credit to be granted, the claim must meet the following specific requirements:

  • the course was passed within five years prior to the application (courses up to 10 years old may be considered if evidence is provided that the applicant has been employed in that field)

  • the course passed is sufficiently equivalent in objectives, content and weightings to a course prescribed in the Master of Business and Innovation, or alternatively where applicable the course is suitable as an elective

  • the maximum credit granted is no greater than six courses for the Master of Business and Innovation

  • credit approved in this program will not automatically apply to other programs offered by USQ.

Claims for credit should be submitted prior to or at the time of enrolment in a course. Each claim will be assessed on individual merit in line with USQ policy. Credit approved in this program will not automatically apply to other programs offered by USQ. Please contact the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts for further information.

Recommended enrolment pattern

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Recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements
Specialisation 1 course1111
Specialisation 2 course1111
Specialisation 1 course1121
Specialisation 2 course1121
Specialisation 1 course1212
Specialisation 2 course1212
Research specialisation course1222
Research specialisation course1222
Specialisation 1 course2131
Specialisation 2 course2131
Research specialisation course/s#2132

#Select either (2 units) or { (1 unit) and (1 unit)}.