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Undergraduate Certificate of Teaching (Secondary) (UCTS) -

Start:Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Fees:Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
Standard duration: 0.5 years full-time 
Program articulation:

To: ; Bachelor of Education (Secondary) ; Diploma of University Studies

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Contact us

Future Australian and New Zealand student  Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: study@usq.edu.au 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: study@usq.edu.au 

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Program aims

This Undergraduate Certificate of Teaching (Secondary) provides you with an introduction to the key concepts, knowledge and skills that underpin the work of a secondary school teacher. It balances theoretical understandings with practical considerations enabling you to start a journey towards being ‘classroom ready’. This certificate is an entry point to a Bachelor of Secondary Education, which provides graduates with a qualification for teaching students from Year 7 to 12.

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Program objectives

Upon successful completion of this program, students should be able to:

  • identify the key attributes for teachers and determine the professional responsibilities that are required to teach in a discipline area

  • collect, analyse and apply relevant and appropriate sources of professional learning for secondary teachers

  • design supportive learning environments that promote positive behaviour through effective teaching and learning

  • explain and justify a function-based approach to manage adolescent behaviour which includes the theoretical underpinnings, assumptions, and goals about behaviour

  • select appropriate pedagogies for the teaching of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners with consideration of culture, cultural identity and linguistic backgrounds and their impact on education.

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Australian Qualifications Framework

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is a single national, comprehensive system of qualifications offered by higher education institutions (including universities), vocational education and training institutions and secondary schools. Each AQF qualification has a set of descriptors which define the type and complexity of knowledge, skills and application of knowledge and skills that a graduate who has been awarded that qualification has attained, and the typical volume of learning associated with that qualification type.

This program is at AQF Qualification Level 07. Graduates at this level will have broad and coherent knowledge and skills for professional work and/or further learning.

The full set of levels criteria and qualification type descriptors can be found by visiting .

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Program Information Set

View USQ’s admission criteria, student profiles and a summary of all offers made under via the QTAC website.

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

  • admission into this short program is available to eligible Commonwealth Support applicants, who are aged 17 years or over. USQ assumes your knowledge is equivalent to senior high school English (Units 3 & 4, C).

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Program fees

Commonwealth supported place

A Commonwealth supported place is where the Australian Government makes a contribution towards the cost of a students' higher education and students pay a , which varies depending on the courses undertaken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

Commonwealth Supported students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called .

Domestic full fee paying place

Domestic full fee paying places are funded entirely through the full fees paid by the student. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the

Domestic full fee paying students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called provided they meet the residency and citizenship requirements.

Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, Permanent Resident visa holders and New Zealand citizens who will be resident outside Australia for the duration of their program pay full tuition fees and are not eligible for .

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Program completion requirements

Students must maintain good standing in this program. Please refer to the .

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Required time limits

Students have a maximum of one year to complete this program.

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IT requirements

Students must have reliable and ready access to email and the Internet. Broadband access is required for the four compulsory core courses. For information technology requirements, please see the .

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Upon successful completion of the Undergraduate Certificate of Teaching (Secondary), graduates may be eligible for entry to the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) subject to meeting:


  • English (4, SA) or equivalent

  • requirements for Category 5. All students are required to satisfy the applicable



As a result of a national requirement, submission of a 1000-word personal statement that demonstrates competencies. The personal statement must address two categories that show your understanding of and motivations for studying the program:

  • Category 1: Interest in teaching children/young people;

  • Category 2: Involvement in personal learning and leadership activities.

Recommended enrolment pattern

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Undergraduate Certificate of Teaching (Secondary) Recommended Enrolment Pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Choose four (4) courses from the list:

1 1, 2, 3
1 1, 2Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in the following: UCTS or BEDU or BSED or MOLT (Secondary) Pre-requisite: BEDU and BSED Only - or
1 1, 2BECH or BEED only: Enrolment is not permitted if EHF1100 has been previously completed. BPED only: Enrolment is not permitted if EPP1100 has previously been completed. BSED only: Enrolment is not permitted if ESF1100 has previously been completed.
1 1
1 2, 3Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in: BECH or BEED or BPED or BSED or BGEN. BECH/BEED/BPED only: Enrolment is not permitted if EDC1100 has previously been completed. BSED only: Enrolment is not permitted if has previously been completed.