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Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSCIorBSCP) - BSc or BSci(Psychology)

QTAC code (Australian and New Zealand applicants): Mathematics & Statistics (Toowoomba campus: 906351; External: 906355); Wine Science (Toowoomba campus: 906115); Plant Agricultural Science (Toowoomba campus: 906991; External: 906995); Food Science (Toowoomba campus: 906981; External: 906985); Wildlife Management (Toowoomba campus: 907431; External: 907435); Information Technology (Toowoomba campus: 906791; External: 906795); Mathematics (Toowoomba campus: 906881; Online: 906885); Statistics (Toowoomba campus: 906201; External: 906205; Ipswich campus: 936201); Biology (Toowoomba campus: 906831; External: 906835); Environment & Sustainability (Toowoomba campus: 906261; External: 906265); Computing (Toowoomba campus: 906761; External: 906765); Physical Sciences (External: 906125); Astronomical & Space Sciences (External: 906665); Human Physiology (Toowoomba campus: 906821; External: 906825); Animal Science (Toowoomba campus: 906771; External: 906775)

CRICOS code (International applicants): 042230E

You are currently viewing the 2023 Handbook. For study in 2024, please refer to the .

Please be advised that this program will be transitioning from Semester to Trimester study periods in 2024. Trimester 1 starts on 22 January 2024. Read more in our new academic calendar FAQs.

Start:Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 3 (November)
Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 3 (November)
Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 3 (November)
Campus:Ipswich, Toowoomba  -
Fees:Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Residential school:Toowoomba, Ipswich 
Standard duration:3 years full-time, 6 years part-time, 9 years maximum 


In 2023 the program follows the Semester calendar. The Academic Calendar and Important Dates webpage will allow you to view and download a copy of the important dates for the Semester calendar.

**Information Technology major is available at UniSQ Toowoomba and Online. This major is available to international students residing off-campus in Australia or for international students studying overseas.
#The BSCP —Psychology Extended major (16 units) is only available on campus at UniSQ Ipswich for a Semester 1 entry. Students can complete this extended major at other campuses through a mixture of on-campus and online courses. The BSCP Psychology major (12 units) is offered on campus at UniSQ Ipswich and Toowoomba and online.
^Psychology and Psychology Extended are the only majors available at UniSQ Ipswich. Both majors are also offered at UniSQ Toowoomba. Psychology Extended major is also offered externally.
~Mathematics and Statistics Extended, Computing, Geospatial Science, Mathematics and Statistics (8-unit), Environment and Sustainability majors are available at UniSQ Toowoomba and externally. These majors are available to international on-campus students as long as the student meets the on-campus requirement through minor/elective/2nd major courses. All majors are available to international students residing off-campus in Australia. These majors are unsuitable for international students studying overseas.
&Wildlife Management, Biology, Food Science, Human Physiology, Plant Agricultural Science, Animal Science majors are available at UniSQ Toowoomba and externally, with residential schools held at UniSQ Toowoomba or off-site. These majors are available to international on-campus students as long as the student meets the on-campus requirement through minor/elective/2nd major courses. These majors are available to international students residing off-campus in Australia, however, there are attendance requirements at multiple residential schools held at UniSQ Toowoomba throughout the duration of the program. These majors are unsuitable for international students studying overseas.
@Not all majors are available to commence in Semester 3 at UniSQ Toowoomba.
^^Please refer to the Program Structure for further information on the intakes available for each major and their appropriateness for International On-Campus Students.
*Astronomical and Space Sciences, Physics and Wine Science majors are only offered by external mode. All majors are available to international students residing off-campus in Australia, however, there are attendance requirements at multiple residential schools held at UniSQ Toowoomba throughout the duration of the programs. The residential schools for the Wine Science majors are held off-site at Stanthorpe. These majors are unsuitable for international students studying overseas.
†Psychology and Information Technology majors are the only majors offered Online.

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Contact us

Future Australian and New Zealand students  Future International students  Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: study@usq.edu.au  

Phone: +61 7 4631 5543
Email: international@usq.edu.au 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email: usq.support@usq.edu.au 

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Professional accreditation

The Information Technology major of this program is accredited at professional level by the and, through the Seoul Accord, is recognised in other countries.

The Bachelor of Science (Psychology and Psychology Extended) (BSCP) majors are fully accredited by the as providing the first three years of the necessary requirements for full registration as a psychologist.

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Program aims

Program Rules

Students are required to:

  • Satisfactorily complete 24 credit points (total units) as listed in the program structure in order to graduate from the program. At least four units will be at level 3 and 16 units will be approved Science courses;

  • Complete the courses in the program satisfactorily within 9 years of commencement of the program;

  • Maintain satisfactory academic achievement throughout the duration of the program, consistent with the UniSQ Student Academic Progress Procedure

  • Meet all mandatory residential school requirements where present in a course.

  • Meet the for the relevant major.

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Program objectives

On completion of this program students should be able to:

  • Exhibit a broad and coherent knowledge base, with a level of depth in one or more science disciplines, suitable to undertake professional work and/or further study.

  • Apply a range of cognitive and technical skills which reflect the underlying principles of one or more science disciplines.

  • Display well developed cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply relevant methods and technologies and present information to a range of audiences.

  • Critically analyse, consolidate and evaluate information to construct and implement solutions to unpredictable and complex problems.

  • Work autonomously and collaboratively to construct and implement problem solving paradigms to address relevant issues.

  • Apply well directed judgement and responsibility, in diverse contexts, which are consistent with the social, moral and legal responsibilities of professional scientists.

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

  • The specified minimum entry requirement as determined by Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), or equivalent qualification.^
  • English Language Proficiency requirements for Category 2.

Additional pre-requisites and recommended prior study for individual majors

Animal Science (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

Astronomical and Space Sciences (12 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: One of Biology, Chemistry or Physics or equivalent.

Biology (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: Mathematical Methods and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics or equivalent. If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods Level for entry then they will be required to undertake MAT1000 Mathematics Fundamentals as an elective.

Computing (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: Mathematical Methods* or equivalent.

*UniSQ College has courses available via which will allow students to up-skill in Mathematics prior to entry.

Environment and Sustainability (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: Mathematical Methods and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics or equivalent. If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods Level for entry then they will be required to undertake MAT1000 Mathematics Fundamentals as an elective.

Food Science (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: Mathematical Methods and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics or equivalent. If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods Level for entry then they will be required to undertake MAT1000 Mathematics Fundamentals as an elective.

Geospatial Science (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended: Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Equivalent (3 & 4, C)

Human Physiology (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: Mathematical Methods and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics or equivalent. If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods Level for entry then they will be required to undertake MAT1000 Mathematics Fundamentals as an elective.

Information Technology (12 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended Prior ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½app: Mathematical Methods * or equivalent.

*UniSQ College has courses available via which will allow students to up-skill in Mathematics prior to entry.

Mathematics and Statistics (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

Mathematics and Statistics Extended (12 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

Physics (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: One of Biology, Chemistry or Physics or equivalent.

Plant Agricultural Science (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended Prior ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½app: Mathematical Methods and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics or equivalent. If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods Level for entry then they will be required to undertake MAT1000 Mathematics Fundamentals as an elective.

BSCP - Psychology (12 unit major)

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English; General Mathematics or equivalent.

BSCP - Psychology Extended (16 unit major)

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English; General Mathematics or equivalent.

Wildlife Management (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: Mathematical Methods and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics or equivalent. If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods Level for entry then they will be required to undertake MAT1000 Mathematics Fundamentals as an elective.

Wine Science (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: Mathematical Methods and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics or equivalent. If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods Level for entry then they will be required to undertake MAT1000 Mathematics Fundamentals as an elective.

All students are required to satisfy the applicable .

If students do not meet the English language requirements they may apply to study a University-approved . On successful completion of the English language program, students may be admitted to an award program.


These are determined by the University for specific programs each Semester. The 2023 ATAR and tertiary entrance ranks are based on agreed QTAC schedules which assess formal study at Year 12 or , tertiary, preparatory, professional or vocational qualifications or work experience, as detailed in the QTAC Assessment of Qualifications Manual and QTAC Assessor Guidelines.

Adjustment factors may help you get into the program of your choice by increasing your entrance rank. The additional points don't apply to all applicants or all programs. Please read the information about UniSQ's carefully to find out what you may be eligible for.

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Requirements for professional experience placements

Practical experience is an integral component of the Wildlife Management major and each student is required to undertake and satisfactorily complete 105 hours of practical experience.

Progression into practical courses is dependent upon a pass grade in theoretical and other practical courses which have been set as prerequisites.

Applicants must be willing to undertake and submit the University of ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½app Queensland requirements for practical placement.

Please refer to the applicable Professional Placement Handbook for Wildlife Management students.

Mandatory documents required prior to commencing industry placement:

  • Resume

  • UniSQ Student Declaration

  • UniSQ Placement Request Form

  • Vaccinations for Q fever, Tetanus and Hepatitis B

Requirements for Work-Integrated-Learning courses

Practical experience is an integral component of the Bachelor of Science and each student is required to undertake and satisfactorily complete 15-30 days of practical experience (depending on major).

In order to enrol in SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning, students must have completed the equivalent of the first two years of study in the program successfully.

Applicants must be willing to undertake and submit the University of ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½app Queensland requirements for practical placement.

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Program fees

Commonwealth supported place

A Commonwealth supported place is where the Australian Government makes a contribution towards the cost of a students' higher education and students pay a , which varies depending on the courses undertaken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

Commonwealth Supported students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called .

Domestic full fee paying place

Domestic full fee paying places are funded entirely through the full fees paid by the student. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the

Domestic full fee paying students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called provided they meet the residency and citizenship requirements.

Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, Permanent Resident visa holders and New Zealand citizens who will be resident outside Australia for the duration of their program pay full tuition fees and are not eligible for .

International full fee paying place

International students pay full fees. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken and whether they are studied on-campus, external or online. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

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Program structure

Major  On-campus Toowoomba Intake  On-campus Ipswich Intake  External Intake  Online Intake 
  S1  S2  S3  S1  S2  S3  S1  S2  S3  S1  S2  S3 
BSCP - Psychology Extended (16-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*  Yes  Yes  Yes       
Mathematics and Statistics Extended (12-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*        Yes  Yes  Yes       
Mathematics and Statistics (8-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*        Yes  Yes  Yes       
Information Technology (12-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*              Yes  Yes  Yes 
Computing (8-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*        Yes  Yes  Yes       
Astronomical and Space Sciences (12-unit major)              Yes  Yes  Yes       
Physics (8-unit major)              Yes  Yes  Yes       
BSCP - Psychology (12-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*        Yes  Yes  Yes 
Animal Science (8-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*        Yes  Yes  Yes       
Biology (8-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*        Yes  Yes  Yes       
Environment and Sustainability (8-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*        Yes  Yes  Yes       
Food Science (8-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*        Yes  Yes  Yes       
Geospatial Science (8-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*        Yes  Yes  Yes       
Human Physiology (8-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*        Yes  Yes  Yes       
Plant Agricultural Science (8-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*        Yes  Yes  Yes       
Wildlife Management (8-unit major)  Yes*  Yes*  Yes*        Yes  Yes  Yes       
Wine Science (8-unit major)              Yes  Yes  Yes       

*This major and intake is available to International On-Campus Students.

The Bachelor of Science consists of 24 units comprising 4 core unit courses , with a primary major of minimum 8 units, and 12 units of approved student selected courses.

At least four courses in the program will be at level 3. Each major will require a minimum number of level 3 courses (coded 3000) to meet the depth requirements of the major. Where two majors are chosen which have some compulsory courses in common, the overlap will be made up by taking extra major approved courses defined in those majors.

Area of ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½app  Number of Units 
Option 1 
Core Courses  4 units 
8–unit primary major:
  • Animal Science

  • Biology

  • Computing

  • Environment and Sustainability

  • Food Science

  • Geospatial Science

  • Human Physiology

  • Mathematics and Statistics

  • Physics

  • Plant Agricultural Science

  • Wine Science

  • Wildlife Management

8 units 
Plus one of the following options:
  • 8-unit secondary major + 4 electives; or

  • 2 x 4-unit discipline minors + 4 electives; or

  • 1 x 4-unit discipline minor and 1 x 4-unit University minor + 4 electives; or

  • 1 x 4-unit discipline minor and 4 x electives + 4 electives; or

  • 12 approved electives.

12 units 
Option 2 
Core Courses  4 units 
12–unit extended major
  • Astronomical and Space Sciences

  • Mathematics and Statistics Extended

  • Information Technology

12–unit standalone major
  • Psychology

12 units 
Plus one of the following options:
  • 8-unit secondary major; or*

  • 2 x 4-unit discipline minors; or

  • 1 x 4-unit discipline minor and 1 x 4-unit University minor; or

  • 1 x 4-unit discipline minor and 4 x electives; or

  • 8 x electives

*Certain double major combinations may not be available. Refer to individual major requirements for further information.
8 units 
Option 3 
Core Courses  4 units 
16 unit major
  • Psychology Extended

16 units 
  • 4 x electives

4 units 

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Required time limits

Students have a maximum of 9 years to complete this program.

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Core courses

All students must take the following core courses in the following recommended year and semester. Exceptions apply to the following externally accredited majors: Psychology, Psychology Extended and Information Technology.

The recommended enrolment pattern is for full-time students. Part-time students should aim to take the year 1 courses in their first year of enrolment, and should take the final year core course in their last year of study.

Course Name and Code  Semester(s) offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) offered Springfield  Semester(s) offered Ipswich   Semester(s) offered External  Semester(s) offered Online 
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences        1,2 
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science  1,2        1,2 
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§  1,2      1,2,3 
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning  1,2,3      1,2,3   

§Unavailable online in S3 2023

Core Course for Accredited Majors

The following accredited majors have the following Core course requirements:

Course Name and Code  Semester(s) offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) offered Springfield  Semester(s) offered Online 
Information Technology 
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences    1,2 
CSC1401 Foundation Programming£  1,2,3  1,2  1,2,3 
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§  1,2  1,2,3 
MAT1101 Discrete Mathematics for Computing 

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024
§Unavailable online in S3 2023
Course Name and Code  Semester(s) offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) offered Springfield  Semester(s) offered Ipswich  Semester(s) offered Online 
Psychology and Psychology Extended 
CMS1000 Communication and Scholarship (final offer Semester 1 2023) or HAC1000 The Skilful Communicator (first offer Semester 2 2023)£  2,3    2,3 
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science  1,2  1,2    1,2 
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§  1,2    1,2,3 
PSY1030 Cross-Cultural and Indigenous Psychology    2,3 

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024
§Unavailable online in S3 2023

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Major studies

The following majors are available in the Bachelor of Science:

16-unit major (contain at least four Level 3 courses)

  • BSCP - Psychology Extended

12-unit majors/extended major (contain at least three Level 3 courses - identified by a 3000 code)

  • Astronomical and Space Sciences

  • Information Technology

  • Mathematics & Statistics Extended

  • BSCP - Psychology

8-unit majors (contain at least two Level 3 courses - identified by a 3000 code)

  • Animal Science

  • Biology

  • Computing

  • Environment and Sustainability

  • Food Science

  • Geospatial Science

  • Human Physiology

  • Mathematics and Statistics

  • Physics

  • Plant Agricultural Science

  • Wildlife Management

  • Wine Science

Specific majors

In this section:

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BSCP - Psychology Extended (16-unit major)

Psychology Extended major objectives

The Bachelor of Science (Psychology Extended) (BSCP) program aims to produce graduates who have advanced knowledge and skills in psychology. Participation in the capstone experience will provide students with the acquired ability to research independently, apply theory and develop academic expertise in their chosen focus of area in psychology. The Program will extend student's appreciation of the contributions made by psychologists to society.

Many people who study psychology will not go on to become psychologists, but will find their training in psychology to be highly relevant and useful in their lives and work. Those who do become psychologists may work in a variety of settings including hospitals, schools, government bodies, large corporations, or in private practice. The BSCP - Psychology Extended major will provide students with a broader knowledge of psychology-related knowledge and skills, which more than satisfy the minimum requirements for affiliate membership of relevant professional bodies, most notably the Australian Psychological Society.

Graduates who have completed the Extended major in Psychology (BSCP) will be able to:

  • apply knowledge of the breadth and depth of the major fields in contemporary Psychology to describe and explain human behaviour in multiple contexts:

  • systematically apply this knowledge in specific contexts such as mental health (clinical psychology), the workplace (organisational psychology), legal settings (law and psychology), education or sport psychology.

  • conduct research and report the findings to lay persons and the scientific community at large

  • prepare and develop a portfolio, which documents learning of identified outcomes and reflections of metacognitive processes

  • develop a broad range of skills, which are suited to occupations requiring the study or application of behavioural science in both the public and private sector

BSCP - Psychology Extended Major Courses

This is a 16-unit extended major. Along with the Foundation Studies courses prescribed above, students must take the following 16 units of courses:

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered Ipswich  Semester(s) Offered External  Semester(s) Offered Online 
PSY1010 Foundation Psychology A    1,3 
PSY1020 Foundation Psychology B    1,2 
PSY2010 Social Processes of Behaviour   
PSY2020 Motivation and Emotion   
PSY2030 Developmental Psychology   
PSY2040 Human Information Processing<   
PSY2100 Research Methods in Psychology A       
PSY3010 Assessment of Behaviour       
PSY3030 Abnormal Psychology       
PSY3050 Counselling Psychology$    
PSY3060 Learning and Behaviour Change       
PSY3111 Research Methods in Psychology B^^   
PSY3180 Practicum A       
PSY3190 Practicum B       
Two third-year level courses from the below list of psychology approved courses         

<Not available ONC Ipswich in S2 2023
$Not available ONC Toowoomba in S2 2023
^^Not available ONC Toowoomba or ONC Ipswich in S2 2023

To complete the award, students taking a 16-unit extended major must additionally undertake one of the following choices:

  • 4 units of general elective courses; these can be selected from the list of psychology approved courses, or from any discipline, and may be at any year level, or

  • one 4-unit minor.

Minor studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives can be selected from the table of psychology approved courses below or from any courses at Levels 1, 2 and 3 offered by UniSQ subject to satisfaction of pre-requisite requirements, timetabling constraints, quotas, and program requirements. Please note that Diploma of Science Foundation core courses are not permitted as electives.

Unsuitable electives

For various reasons, the following courses will not be approved as electives for students majoring in Psychology in the Bachelor of Science (BSCP) program:

DIP1002 Strategies for Successful ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½app , DIP1003 Essential Mathematics and DIP1004 Mathematical Literacy .

Psychology Extended (BSCP) approved elective courses

Courses  Semester(s)
Offered Online 
PSY3110 Clinical Health Psychology 
PSY3250 Sport and Exercise Psychology 
PSY3730 Industrial and Organisational Psychology 

Note: The psychology approved courses offered can change from year to year. For information about which psychology approved courses are being offered in any particular year, students are directed to the course specification site for that particular year. Students are responsible for ensuring that they do not enrol in, or continue to be enrolled in, courses for which they have not satisfied the enrolment requirements (e.g., the necessary pre-requisites).

The recommended enrolment patterns for students with no exemptions, and the enrolment requirements for courses in the extended major, is given in the table that follows. If students are granted exemptions from specific compulsory courses or from approved elective courses, they may need to modify the recommended enrolment pattern.

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Mathematics and Statistics Extended (12-unit major)

Mathematics and Statistics Extended Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Mathematics and Statistics will be able to:

  • understand fundamentals of mathematical analysis at the undergraduate level

  • show a sound knowledge of important theories and techniques of applied mathematics, statistics and computing

  • apply their knowledge to solve practical problems that they are likely to encounter in science, industry, business or government instrumentalities

  • continue to develop their abilities through research, discussion and private study

  • use computer packages to solve problems in statistics, mathematics and modelling

  • communicate the results of mathematical/statistical analysis to wide variety of audiences

  • satisfy the minimum requirements for graduate membership of relevant professional bodies.

Mathematics and Statistics Extended Major Courses

This is a 12-unit extended major. This major extends the Mathematics and Statistics (8 unit) major. Along with the Core courses prescribed above, students must take the 12 units of Mathematics and Statistics major courses . If students do not have Mathematical Methods prior to commencement, students should seek guidance from the Program Director.

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered Online 
Mathematics and Statistics core major courses     
MAT1102 Algebra and Calculus I 
STA2301 Distribution Theory 
MAT2100 Algebra and Calculus II 
STA2302 Statistical Inference 
MAT2200 Operations Research 1 
MAT2409 High Performance Numerical Computing† 
STA3300 Experimental Design 
STA3301 Statistical Models> 
MAT3201 Operations Research 2*† 
MAT3103 Mathematical Modelling and Dynamical Systems** 
MAT3105 Harmony of Partial Differential Equations** 
STA3200 Multivariate Statistical Methods   

†Unavailable on-campus at Toowoomba in S1 2023
>Unavailable Semester 2, 2023 Toowoomba On-campus
*The on-campus offering of this course is offered in odd years only.
**The on-campus offering of this course is offered in even years only.

Note: Students who are enrolled in the 12-unit Mathematics and Statistics Extended major cannot also enrol in the 8-unit Mathematics and Statistics major.


The following courses are recommended electives for this major:

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024

Unsuitable electives

Students will require the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences if they wish to include MAT1000 Mathematics Fundamentals, MAT1100 Foundation Mathematics and ENM1500 Introductory Engineering Mathematics, as electives towards the Bachelor of Science program majoring in Mathematics and Statistics Extended.

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Mathematics and Statistics (8-unit major)

Mathematics and Statistics Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Mathematics and Statistics will be able to:

  • understand fundamentals of mathematical and statistical analysis at the undergraduate level;

  • show a sound knowledge of important theories and techniques of applied mathematics and statistics;

  • apply their knowledge to solve practical problems that they are likely to encounter in science, industry, business or government instrumentalities;

  • continue to develop their abilities through research, discussion and private study;

  • use computer packages to solve and analyse mathematical and statistical problems;

  • apply mathematical and statistical techniques to model and optimise systems;

  • communicate the results of mathematical and statistical analysis to wide variety of audiences;

  • satisfy the minimum requirements for graduate membership of relevant professional bodies.

Mathematics and Statistics Major Courses

If students do not have the equivalent of Mathematical Methods experience prior to commencement of this major, students should seek guidance from the Program Director.

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered Online 
MAT1102 Algebra and Calculus I 
MAT2409 High Performance Numerical Computing† 
MAT2200 Operations Research 1 
MAT2100 Algebra and Calculus II 
STA2301 Distribution Theory 
STA3300 Experimental Design 
STA3301 Statistical Models> 
STA3200 Multivariate Statistical Methods   

†Unavailable on-campus at Toowoomba in S1 2023
>Unavailable Semester 2, 2023 Toowoomba On-campus

Note: If enrolled in this 8-unit Mathematics and Statistics major, students cannot also enrol in the 12-unit Mathematics and Statistics Extended major.

Second major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science (except Mathematics and Statistics Extended,) or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


The following courses are recommended electives for this major:

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024

General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University.

Unsuitable electives

Students will require the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences if they wish to include MAT1000 Mathematics Fundamentals, MAT1100 Foundation Mathematics, ENM1500 Introductory Engineering Mathematics, and MAC2901 Mathematics for Teachers as electives towards the Bachelor of Science program majoring in Mathematics and Statistics.

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Information Technology (12-unit major)

Information Technology Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Information Technology will be able to:

  • work as a professional in the Information Technology industry

  • show a sound understanding of the computing and IT-related areas

  • have a broad knowledge in computing and digital data analytics

  • have basic skills in software development, web design and computer applications systems

  • show sound presentation and communication skills required in the computing industry

  • satisfy academic admission requirements for membership of relevant professional bodies.

Information Technology Major Courses

This is a 12-unit extended major. This major extends the Computing major. This major is externally accredited by the Australian Computer Society.

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered Springfield  Semester(s) Offered Online 
ELE1301 Computer Engineering 
CSC2401 Algorithms and Data Structures   
CIS1000 Digital Disruption£  1, 2  1,2,3  1,2 
CSC2402 Object-Oriented Programming in C++   
CSC2408 Software Development Tools  1, 2  1,2  1,2 
CSC3412 System and Security Administration 
CSC2406 Web Technology 1 
CSC3426 Web Technology 2*   
CIS2000 Systems Analysis and Design#
CSC1410 Software Engineering Foundations# 

CIS3002 Agile Methods  1,2 
CSC3600 ICT Professional Project  1,2  1,2  1,2 
One (1) of the following courses :       
CSC3420 Mobile Internet Technology 
CSC2404 Operating Systems 
CSC1410 Software Engineering Foundations 
CSC3400 Database Systems£  1,3 
CSC3403 Comparative Programming Languages   
CSC3502 Principles of Big Data Management 
CSC3413 Network Design and Analysis 
CSC3427 Switching, Wireless and WAN Technologies 

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024
*Students will need to complete CSC2406 prior to enrolling in CSC3426.
#Students select from either CIS2000 Systems Analysis and Design or CSC1410 Software Engineering Foundations , students should not complete both courses.

Note: Students who are enrolled in the 12-unit Information Technology major cannot also enrol in the 8-unit Computing major.

Students should also use the following table to select appropriate extended courses with the appropriate introductory, intermediate and advanced courses to focus on the different streams available in the major.

Computing/IT Streams  Foundational Courses per stream  Computing Major
Intermediate Courses 
Computing Major
Advanced Courses 
Extended major
(Information Technology) 
Software  CSC1401 Foundation Programming£  CSC1410 Software Engineering Foundations
CSC2408 Software Development Tools 
CIS3002 Agile Methods
CSC3412 System and Security Administration
CSC3403 Comparative Programming Languages 
CSC3600 ICT Professional Project
CSC3413 Network Design and Analysis 
Networking      CSC3502 Principles of Big Data Management  CSC3426 Web Technology 2 
Database      CSC3400 Database Systems£  CSC3502 Principles of Big Data Management 
Web Technology    CSC2406 Web Technology 1  CSC3426 Web Technology 2   
Data Science  CSC1401 Foundation Programming£
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics  
  STA3200 Multivariate Statistical Methods
CSC3501 Principles of Data Science and Visualisation 

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the eight-unit majors defined below for the Bachelor of Science (except Computing) or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other approved eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University. Majors in the BITC Bachelor of Information Technology are not suitable as a secondary major.

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Computing (8-unit major)

Computing Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Computing will be able to:

  • receive a broad-based education in sciences;

  • study computing discipline area to Third Level;

  • prepare students for teaching in discipline appropriate areas to Grade 12 level in Secondary Schools, subject to further study;

  • cater for students who aspire to professional studies that require a general first degree for admission to computing industry;

  • form a basis for study at postgraduate diploma level, honours level or higher.

Computing Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered Springfield  Semester(s) Offered Online 
ELE1301 Computer Engineering 
CSC2406 Web Technology 1 
CSC1410 Software Engineering Foundations 
CSC2408 Software Development Tools  1, 2  1,2  1,2 
CIS3002 Agile Methods  1,2 
CSC3400 Database Systems£  1,3 
CSC3412 System and Security Administration 
CSC3426 Web Technology 2   

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


The following courses are recommended electives for this major:

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024

General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University.

Unsuitable Electives

For various reasons, the following course will not be approved as an elective for students majoring in Computing in the Bachelor of Science program:

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Astronomical and Space Sciences (12-unit major)

Astronomical and Space Sciences Major Objectives

  • demonstrate understanding of key astronomical concepts and solve related key numerical problems;

  • use the tools (including mathematics), methodologies, language and conventions of astronomy to test and communicate ideas and explanations;

  • execute and analyse the results of observations, including the evaluation of the level of uncertainty of these results, a comparison of these results with expected outcomes, and, hence, an assessment of their significance;

  • communicate scientific information, in particular through scientific reports, to both expert and non-expert audiences;

  • demonstrate understanding of key concepts relating to humanity’s exploration and use of outer space and solve related key numerical problems.

Astronomical and Space Sciences Major Courses

This is a 12-unit extended major. Along with the Core courses prescribed above, students must take the following 12 units of courses:

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered External  Semester(s) Offered Online 
PHY1101 Astronomy 1   
PHY1104 Physics 1   
PHY1107 Astronomy 2   
PHY1911 Physics 2   
PHY2207 Optics     
PHY3303 Modern Physics*     
PHY3304 Photonics*     
PHY3305 Quantum Mechanics     
PHY3306 Solar and Stellar Astronomy     
PHY3307 Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy     
Choose 2 of the following 3 courses:       
PHY2206 Medical Physics     
PHY2204 Astronomical Techniques     
PHY2208 Planetary and Exoplanetary Science     

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


Recommended Courses to support the Astronomical and Space Science major to be taken as electives or part of a Minor:

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024
*These courses are co-requisites for required courses PHY1104 Physics 1 and PHY1911 Physics 2

For students considering post-graduate study in physics or astronomy, the following courses are highly recommended:

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024

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Physics (8-unit major)

Physics Major Objectives

  • comprehend and demonstrate knowledge of physics laws, concepts and principles;

  • apply physics principles to understand the causes of problems, devise strategies to solve them and test the possible solutions;

  • use the tools (including mathematics), methodologies, language and conventions of physics to test and communicate ideas and explanations;

  • safely execute and analyse the results of experiments, including the evaluation of the level of uncertainty of these results, a comparison of these results with expected outcomes, and, hence, an assessment of their significance;

  • communicate scientific information, in particular through scientific reports, to both expert and non-expert audiences.

Physics Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered External  Semester(s) Offered Online 
PHY1104 Physics 1   
PHY1911 Physics 2   
PHY2207 Optics     
PHY3303 Modern Physics*     
PHY3304 Photonics*#     
PHY3305 Quantum Mechanics     
Choose two (2) from the following 3 courses: 
PHY2204 Astronomical Techniques     
PHY2206 Medical Physics     
PHY2208 Planetary and Exoplanetary Science     

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
#Students who have completed PHYS313 through UNE are unable to enrol in PHY3304.

Second Major

A second major can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


The following courses are recommended electives for this major:

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024
*These courses are co-requisites for required courses PHY1104 Physics 1 and PHY1911 Physics 2

For students considering post-graduate study in physics or astronomy, the following courses are highly recommended:

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BSCP - Psychology (12-unit major)

Psychology Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Psychology will be able to:

  • demonstrate a sound understanding of the scope and focus of the major fields in contemporary Psychology

  • gain employment in the public and private sectors as behavioural science graduates or as graduates with a broad range of skills

  • satisfy the minimum requirements for affiliate membership of relevant professional bodies, most notably the Australian Psychological Society

  • conduct research and report the findings to lay persons and the scientific community at large.

BSCP - Psychology Major Courses

This is a 12-unit major. This major is externally accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council. Along with the Core courses prescribed above, students must take the following 12 units of courses:

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomb  Semester(s) Offered Ipswich  Semester(s) Offered Online 
PSY1010 Foundation Psychology A  1,3 
PSY1020 Foundation Psychology B  1,2 
PSY2010 Social Processes of Behaviour 
PSY2020 Motivation and Emotion 
PSY2030 Developmental Psychology 
PSY2040 Human Information Processing< 
PSY2100 Research Methods in Psychology A 
PSY3010 Assessment of Behaviour 
PSY3030 Abnormal Psychology 
PSY3050 Counselling Psychology$ 
PSY3060 Learning and Behaviour Change 
PSY3111 Research Methods in Psychology B^^ 

<Not available ONC Ipswich in S2 2023
$Not available ONC Toowoomba in S2 2023
^^Not available ONC Toowoomba or ONC Ipswich in S2 2023

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science, or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

The double major Psychology (BSCP) and Human Physiology, will provide an appreciation of the connections between psychological and physiological aspects of human health and is highly recommended by the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences.

Other majors in the University which have been taken as a second major with psychology include

Students intending to take a second major should begin enrolment in these courses in the first year of full-time enrolment, or the second year of part-time enrolment.

Minor Studies

A minor in Counselling is a recommended complementary field of study to the Psychology major. Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives can be selected from the table of psychology approved courses below or from any courses at Levels 1, 2 and 3 offered by UniSQ subject to satisfaction of pre-requisite requirements, timetabling constraints, quotas and program requirements. Please note that Diploma of Science Foundation core courses are not permitted as electives.

Unsuitable Electives

For various reasons, the following courses will not be approved as electives for students majoring in Psychology in the Bachelor of Science (BSCP) program:

DIP1002 Strategies for Successful ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½app, DIP1003 Essential Mathematics and DIP1004 Mathematical Literacy.

Psychology Approved Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Online  Semester(s) Offered External 
PSY3110 Clinical Health Psychology   
PSY3250 Sport and Exercise Psychology   
PSY3730 Industrial and Organisational Psychology   
PSY3180 Practicum A**   
PSY3190 Practicum B***   

**Not available ONC Ipswich S1 2023
***Not available ONC Ipswich S2 2023

Note: The psychology approved courses offered changes from year to year. For information about what psychology approved courses are being offered in any particular year students are directed to the course specification site for that particular year. Students are responsible for ensuring that they do not enrol in, or continue to be enrolled in, courses for which they have not satisfied the enrolment requirements (e.g., the necessary pre-requisites).

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Animal Science (8-unit major)

Animals Sciences Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Animal Science will be able to:

  • demonstrate discipline specific expertise in animal science, suitable to undertake professional work and/or further study now and/or into the future;

  • exhibit competence in a range of cognitive and technical skills related to animal science including animal nutrition, animal reproduction, animal health, welfare, behaviour, husbandry, and management across a range of different species including production animals;

  • communicate effectively across a diverse range of stakeholders using oral, written and technology-based approaches and work effectively across multidisciplinary teams within the animal and agricultural production sectors;

  • work autonomously and collaboratively to critically analyse and evaluate information to construct and implement solutions to unpredictable and complex problems facing animal systems today;

  • demonstrate an appreciation for the environmental, demographic, logistical, economic, and global pressures facing animal production systems today and how the use of technology may be applied to ensure economic and environmental sustainability;

  • apply well directed ethical conduct in their professional practice as animal scientists, demonstrating knowledge of the regulatory frameworks relevant to their disciplinary area and how these can be applied within diverse cultural contexts, when identifying and responding to ethical and social issues.

Animal Science Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered External  Semester(s) Offered Online 
AGR1101 Animal Health, Welfare and Behaviour*   
AGR2201 Animal Production Systems*   
AGR3202 Animal Reproduction*   
AGR2203 Animal Nutrition*   
AGR2301 Agricultural Science^   
AGR3302 Sensors and Technology in Animal Production   
BIO2103 Biology 2*   
BIO2219 Genetics   

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school for on-campus and external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
^Students undertaking a double major with Plant Agricultural Science should take AGR1104 Farm Safety and Operations 1 (0.5 unit course) and AGR2104 Farm Safety and Operations 2 (0.5 unit course) instead of AGR2301 Agricultural Science to complete this major.

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

A double major in Animal Science and Plant Agricultural Science will provide graduates with a well-rounded degree in agricultural science, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to take on a future career within the agricultural sector. This combination is particularly relevant to students seeking a future career as animal/agricultural scientists, farm managers, nutritionist, or agronomists.

A double major in Animal Science and Environment and Sustainability will provide graduates with the skills and knowledge to combat the present and future challenges of a growing agricultural sector. This combination is particularly relevant to students seeking a future career in any facet of the animal production sector.

A double major in Animal Science and Food Science will provide graduates with the skills and knowledge to combat the present and future challenges facing food security, processing, and production. This combination is particularly relevant to students seeking a future career in the animal nutrition and food production sectors, such as animal feed product development and quality assurance.

A double major in Animal Science and Wildlife Management will provide graduates with the skills and knowledge to traverse a career within the animal management and conservation domains. This combination is particularly relevant to students seeking a career in animal/vertebrate pest management, biosecurity, or captive wildlife husbandry.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students without or limited background in Mathematical Methods are recommended to take the following elective:

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Biology (8-unit major)

Biology Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Biology will be able to:

  • demonstrate more than a basic competence in biological and chemistry laboratory skills;

  • exhibit a broad knowledge of the major biological disciplines including microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, environmental science, physiology and cell and molecular biology;

  • appreciate the importance of the theory and techniques of cell and molecular biology to the research and diagnostic spheres;

  • demonstrate a detailed knowledge of major environmental issues and apply this knowledge towards more sustainable environmental and resource management;

Biology Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered External  Semester(s) Offered Online 
BIO1101 Biology 1*   
BIO2103 Biology 2#   
BIO2107 Cell and Molecular Biology 1#   
BIO3318 Plant Microbe Interactions#   
BIO3207 Cell and Molecular Biology 2#   
CHE1110 Chemistry 1*   
BIO2219 Genetics   
CHE2120 Chemistry 2*   

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school for external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
#This offering has a highly recommended residential school for on-campus and external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Program Director, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

A double major in Animal Science and Biology will provide graduates with a well-rounded degree in animal biology, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to take on a future career as an animal scientist and provide them with a good grounding in laboratory skills to take on further postgraduate study in areas such as molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, and physiology. This combination is particularly relevant to students seeking a future career in the medical/veterinary field as an animal research officer, technical officer or research scientists.

A double major in Plant Agricultural Science and Biology will provide graduates with a well-rounded degree in plant biology, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to take on a future career as a plant scientist and provide them with a good grounding in laboratory skills to take on further postgraduate study in areas such as molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics. This combination is particularly relevant to students seeking a future career in the field of plant breeding as a laboratory research officer, technical officer, or agricultural scientists.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


Any course not undertaken within the major structure is a recommended elective. General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students without or limited background in Mathematical Methods are recommended to take the following elective:

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Environment and Sustainability (8-unit major)

Environment and Sustainability Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Environment and Sustainability will be able to:

  • demonstrate more than a basic competence in climatology, physics, statistics and mathematics, environmental science, ecology and conservation, natural resource management and sustainability

  • demonstrate a detailed knowledge of major environmental issues, human impacts and key climate mechanisms and apply this knowledge towards more sustainable environmental and resource management

  • have a sound comprehension of the social, political and environmental implications of human impacts and global environmental changes

  • apply the principles of sustainability in a wide diversity of professional opportunities

Environment and Sustainability Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered Springfield  Semester(s) Offered Online 
REN1201 Environmental Studies+ 
REN2200 Ecology for Sustainability   
REN3301 Biodiversity and Conservation   
REN3302 Sustainable Resource Use   
CLI1110 Weather and Climate   
CLI2201 Climate Change and Variability     
CLI3301 Climate and Environment Risk Assessment     
CLI3302 Adaptation to Climate Change     

+The Springfield on-campus offer is not available in 2023.

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

There are a number of other courses, minors and majors with a focus on sustainability that students may wish to study.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. It is recommended that students choose SCI3301 Science Project as an elective. Students without, or limited background in Mathematical Methods are recommended to take the following elective:

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Food Science (8-unit major)

Food Science Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Food Science will be able to:

  • apply knowledge of the breadth and depth of the major scientific and technical fields in contemporary food science to describe and explain the development, production and manufacturing of nutritious, safe, sustainable foods and food products;

  • demonstrate more than a basic competence of the different laboratory analyses and manufacturing methods for food product development and assessment;

  • develop a broad range of skills, which are suited to occupations requiring the study or application of food science in both the public, private and research sectors;

  • have a sound comprehension that food development has regulatory, social and ethical requirements in the contexts of food safety, food sustainability and nourishing of populations;

  • conduct product development research and report the findings to lay persons, industry and the scientific community at large;

  • prepare and develop a portfolio, which documents learning of technical skills, application of skills in industry and/or research environments and development of graduate attributes.

Food Science Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered External  Semester(s) Offered Online 
BIO1810 Introduction to Food Science   
CHE2810 Food Chemistry   
BIO2810 Nutrition and Health   
CHE2820 Principles of Food Analysis   
BIO3810 Food Processing*   
BIO3811 Food Product Development*   
BIO3820 Food Microbiology*   
BIO3821 Food Quality Assurance*   

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school for both on-campus and external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

A double major in Food Science and Plant Agricultural Science will provide opportunities for students to learn how to design future food supply systems from food production to consumer, to help safely and sustainably nourish the world.

A double major in Food Science and Environment and Sustainability will allow students to learn to students will learn to analyse and design sustainable food systems through mathematical analyses around resource use, including raw materials, people/labour and energy. This will be applicable particularly in the food processing and sustainable resource use.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students without, or limited background in Mathematical Methods are recommended to take the following elective:

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Geospatial Science (8-unit major)

Geospatial Science Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Geospatial Science will have:

  • broad and coherent knowledge in the theories, concepts, methods and technologies in the area of geospatial science;

  • skills and knowledge of the analysis and evaluation of appropriate technologies, methods and processes to solve and complete a range of geospatial science activities;

  • well-developed technical and cognitive skills to create innovative and sustainable solutions utilising cutting-edge technologies, supported by research to collect, store and manipulate spatial data;

  • knowledge and skills to autonomously apply well-informed judgements regarding specialised practices, theories and processes in the domain of spatial information;

  • consistent application of academic norms and ethical standards in decision making when working collaboratively in a professional capacity;

  • knowledge of spatial information systems to sufficient depth to be eligible for employment and certification, where appropriate, as a GIS Spatial Scientist.

Geospatial Science Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered Springfield  Semester(s) Offered Online 
GIS1402 Geographic Information Systems£  1,3 
GIS1401 Geographic Data Presentation 
GIS2405 Spatial Analysis and Modelling   
GIS2407 Web Based Geographic Information System   
CSC3400 Database Systems£  1,3 
GIS3407 GIS Programming and Visualisation   
GIS3406 Remote Sensing and Image Processing   
GIS3008 Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing   

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


The following courses are recommended electives for this major:

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024

General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students without, or limited background in Mathematical Methods are recommended to take the following elective:

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Human Physiology (8-unit major)

Human Physiology Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Human Physiology will be able to:

  • describe the biological processes that occur in the human body at the system, organ, tissue and cellular levels in order to maintain homeostasis;

  • apply knowledge of human anatomy and physiology to explain the changes that occur across the lifespan and in disease processes and also the mechanisms of action of therapeutic options;

  • exhibit practical and technical skills in the laboratory to generate scientific data as well as employ research skills including data analysis, interpretation, literature critiquing and academic writing;

  • work collaboratively to clearly and coherently communicate human physiology concepts to a range of audiences using oral, written and digital communication formats;

  • exhibit ethical and professional (including culturally respectful) standards and workplace health and safety requirements.

Human Physiology Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered Ipswich  Semester(s) Offered External  Semester(s) Offered Online 
BIO1104 Medical Microbiology and Immunology 1^     
BIO1203 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1£^  1,3   
BIO1204 Introduction to Biomedical Sciences**  1,2    1,2   
BIO1206 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2£^  2,3   
BIO2118 Systems Physiology and Pharmacology#     
BIO2218 Concepts in Endocrinology#     
BIO3102 Human Pathophysiology       
BIO3201 Extreme Physiology and Pharmacology       

^Mandatory residential school for external students
£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024
**Semester 1: External students attend mandatory residential school, on-campus students attend mandatory lab classes. Semester 2: External and on-campus students attend mandatory residential school.
#Mandatory residential school for external and on-campus students.

Second Major

The following double major combinations are recommended for supporting a students’ career pathway.

Human Physiology and Mathematics and Statistics (8 unit major) for students intending to pursue a career in Bioinformatics.

Human Physiology and Physics for students intending to pursue a career in Microscopy and Imaging.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students without, or limited background in Mathematical Methods are recommended to take the following elective:

Courses from the Psychology major combined with Human Physiology will provide an appreciation of the connections between psychological and physiological aspects of human health.

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Plant Agricultural Science (8-unit major)

Plant Agricultural Science Major Objectives

On completion of this major, graduate should be able to:

  • demonstrate discipline specific expertise in plant agricultural science, suitable to undertake professional work and/or further study in the agricultural field now and/or into the future;

  • exhibit competence in a range of cognitive and technical skills related to agricultural science including agronomy, plant physiology and breeding, and soil science;

  • communicate effectively across a diverse range of stakeholders using oral, written and technology-based approaches and work effectively across multidisciplinary teams within the agricultural sector;

  • work autonomously and collaboratively as plant agricultural scientists to critically analyse and evaluate information to construct and implement solutions to unpredictable and complex problems;

  • demonstrate an appreciation for the environmental, demographic, logistical, economic, and global pressures facing agricultural systems today;

  • make guided judgements in their professional practice when identifying and responding to cultural, ethical, and social issues including those relevant to indigenous peoples and those of diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Plant Agricultural Science Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered External  Semester(s) Offered Online 
BIO1101 Biology 1*   
AGR2301 Agricultural Science   
BIO2202 Plant Physiology#   
AGR2304 Plant Breeding#   
AGR2303 Agronomy   
AGR3304 Soil Science   
AGR3305 Precision and Smart Technologies in Agriculture   
BIO3318 Plant Microbe Interactions   

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school for external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
#This offering has a highly recommended residential school for on-campus and external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).

Second major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University. Combine with a second major, such as Animal, Food, Wine, or Environment and Sustainability to create a well-rounded agriculture degree and broaden your employment potential.

A double major in Plant Agricultural Science and Animal Science will provide graduates with a well-rounded degree in agricultural science, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to take on a future career within the agricultural sector. This combination is particularly relevant to students seeking a future career as animal/agricultural scientists, farm manager, nutritionist, or agronomists.

A double major in Plant Agricultural Science and Environment and Sustainability will provide graduates with the skills and knowledge to combat the present and future challenges of a growing agricultural sector and food security. This combination is particularly relevant to students seeking a future career in any facet of the agricultural industry.

A double major in Plant Agricultural Science and Food Science equips students with theoretical knowledge and important practical skills particularly suitable for students looking toward a career in the various and diverse sectors of the agricultural and food industries.

A double major in Plant Agricultural Science and Wine Science equips students with theoretical knowledge and important practical skills particularly suitable for students looking toward a career in the various and diverse sectors of the agricultural and viticultural industries.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students without, or limited background in Mathematical Methods are recommended to take the following elective:

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Wildlife Management (8-unit major)

Wildlife Management Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Wildlife Management will be able to:

  • demonstrate more than a basic competence of the different types of wildlife and their management, and how and why wildlife needs to be conserved, utilized or controlled

  • demonstrate a detailed knowledge of native and introduced wildlife species management and be able to apply this management knowing the strengths and weaknesses of different management techniques

  • have a sound comprehension that wildlife can be iconic, important (ecologically, socially, economically), abundant, vulnerable to extinction and have an important role in animal biosecurity

  • apply the principles of wildlife management to manage wildlife in captivity, to mitigate human-wildlife conflict, to measure and monitor wildlife populations for different purposes

Wildlife Management Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered External  Semester(s) Offered Online 
AGR1101 Animal Health, Welfare and Behaviour*   
WLF2101 Management of Wildlife*   
WLF1201 Field Skills for Wildlife, Game and Pest Management+     
REN3301 Biodiversity and Conservation   
WLF2201 Vertebrate Pests and Biosecurity*   
WLF3101 Principles of Wildlife Management & Sustainable Use^     
SCI3301 Science Project      1,2 
WLF3201 Captive Wildlife Management*^   

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school for on-campus and external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment)
+This course has a mandatory residential school
^This course will be introduced in 2024

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

There are a number of other courses, minors and majors with a focus on wildlife ecology that students may wish to study.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University.

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Wine Science (8-unit major)

Wine Science Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Wine Science will be able to:

  • show a sound understanding of vineyard management practices for quality wine grape production;

  • demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the processes involved in production of different wine types and styles;

  • illustrate understanding of sustainable and environmentally sensitive vineyard and winery management practices;

  • display skills sensorial assessment of wine including gaining experience in judging wine show system;

  • have an appreciation of the history and diversity of the global wine industry.

Wine Science Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered Toowoomba  Semester(s) Offered External  Semester(s) Offered Online 
WIN1101 Grape and Wine Production     
WIN2200 Viticultural and Winemaking Practice+     
WIN2215 Wine Biochemistry and Microbiology     
WIN2210 Viticultural Principles and Production     
WIN2220 Wine Production     
WIN3310 Wine Sensory Analysis+     
WIN3304 Viticultural and Winemaking Practice 2+     
BIO1101 Biology 1*   

+This course has a mandatory residential school
*This offering has a highly recommended residential school for external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment)

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students without, or limited background in Mathematical Methods are recommended to take the following elective:

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IT requirements

For information technology requirements, please refer to the .

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Residential schools

The attendance requirement of residential schools within this degree is indicated by the following letters: R = Recommended; HR = Highly Recommended; M = Mandatory. To find out more about , visit the to view specific dates for your degree, or visit the .

Animal Science


Food Science

Human Physiology

Physics and Astronomical and Space Sciences

Plant Agricultural Science

Wildlife Management

Wine Science

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Related programs

Requirements for entry to Master of Learning and Teaching

Students intending to become secondary school teachers are advised that they may need to complete a postgraduate teacher entry qualification (such as the two-year ) after completion of their undergraduate program. For further information, students should refer to the Education section of this Handbook or address enquiries to the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts.

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Exit points

Students who, for whatever reason, are unable to complete the Bachelor of Science and who satisfy all of the requirements may exit with a DPSC Diploma of Science.

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Exemptions/credit will be assessed based on the .

For PSY course exemptions – Psychology courses taken at another university or institution will only be considered for psychology exemptions if the courses were part of an APAC (Australian Psychology Accreditation Council) accredited sequence. APAC regulations clearly state that only courses taken within an APAC sequence can be used for exemptions from any PSY courses.

Recommended enrolment patterns

In this section:

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - BSCP- Psychology Extended

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

SCI1001 Succeeding in Science 1111
HAC1000 The Skilful Communicator 1212,3Enrolment is not permitted in HAC1000 if CMS1000 or CMS1100 has been previously completed
PSY1010 Foundation Psychology A 1111,3
General Elective1111
PSY1030 Cross-Cultural and Indigenous Psychology 1212,3
PSY1020 Foundation Psychology B 1211, 2
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics §1211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
General Elective1212

Year 2

PSY2010 Social Processes of Behaviour 2121Pre-requisite: PSY1010
PSY2020 Motivation and Emotion 2121Pre-requisite: PSY1010 and PSY1020
PSY2100 Research Methods in Psychology A21Pre-requisite: PSY1010 and (STA2300 or STA1003). For students enrolled in Program BSSC with a major in BES: PSY1010 and STA3100
General Elective2121
PSY2030 Developmental Psychology 2222Pre-requisite: PSY1010
PSY2040 Human Information Processing <2222Pre-requisite: PSY1020 and (PSY2100 or STA2300 or STA1003)
PSY3111 Research Methods in Psychology B ^^2222Pre-requisite: PSY2100
General Elective2222

Year 3

PSY3010 Assessment of Behaviour31Pre-requisite: PSY2100
PSY3030 Abnormal Psychology31Pre-requisite: PSY1010
PSY3180 Practicum A 31
PSY3060 Learning and Behaviour Change31Pre-requisite: PSY1020
PSY3050 Counselling Psychology$ 3232Pre-requisite: PSY1010 or CDS3002
PSY3190 Practicum B<32Pre-requisite: PSY2105 (for WIL placement) OR students must be enrolled in BSED OR in third year of their psychology program (for Capstone project)
Psychology Elective (from list)3232
Psychology Elective (from list)3232

§Unavailable online in S3 2023
<Not available ONC Ipswich in S2 2023
^^Not available ONC Toowoomba or ONC Ipswich in S2 2023
$Not available ONC Toowoomba in S2 2023

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 12 unit major - Information Technology

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

CSC1401 Foundation Programming£11, 211, 2
ELE1301 Computer Engineering1111
CIS1000 Digital Disruption£1111
MAT1101 Discrete Mathematics for Computing1111
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences1111,2
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§1212Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
CSC2408 Software Development Tools1212Pre-requisite: CSC1401
CSC2406 Web Technology 11212Pre-requisite: CSC1401 or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: UCCC or GDTI or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT or MCTN or BSED

Year 2

CSC2402 Object-Oriented Programming in C++2121Pre-requisite: CSC1401 or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT or MCTN

Choose one of the following two (2) courses (refer to footnote before choosing):

     CIS2000 Systems Analysis and Design#2121


     CSC1410 Software Engineering Foundations#22Pre-requisite: CSC1401
First general elective or course from the second major2121
Second general elective or course from the second major2121
CSC2401 Algorithms and Data Structures2222Pre-requisite: CSC2402 or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT
Third general elective or course from the second major2222
One specified course from the major list2222
Fourth general elective or course from the second major2222

Year 3

CIS3002 Agile Methods3131,Pre-requisite: CIS2000
CSC3412 System and Security Administration3131,Pre-requisite: CSC2408
Fifth general elective or course from the second major3131
Sixth general elective or course from the second major3131
CSC3426 Web Technology 23232Pre-requisite: CSC2406
CSC3600 ICT Professional Project3231,2Students enrolled from 2023 - Pre-requisite: CSC2000 and at least 16 courses including six other BITC core courses Students enrolled prior to 2023 - Pre-requisite: CIS3002 and at least 16 courses including seven other BITC core courses
Seventh general elective or course from the second major3232
Eighth general elective or course from the second major3232

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024
§Unavailable online in S3 2023
#Students are not required to complete both CIS2000 Systems Analysis and Design and CSC1410 Software Engineering Foundations. CSC1410 Software Engineering Foundations is only offered in Semester 2. If a student chooses to complete CSC1410 Software Engineering Foundations in Semester 2 then the student will need to complete the fourth general elective or course from the second major in Semester 1.

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 12 unit major - Astronomical and Space Sciences

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

PHY1104 Physics 11111Co-requisite: (MAT1102 or ENM2600) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSCN or GDSI or GCSC
PHY1101 Astronomy 11111
MAT1102 Algebra and Calculus I1111
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences11,2
MAT2100 Algebra and Calculus II1212Pre-requisite: MAT1102 or MAT1502 or ENM1600 or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MSCN or MEPR or BSED
PHY1911 Physics 21212Co-requisite: (MAT2100 or ENM1600) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSCN or GDSI or GCSC
PHY1107 Astronomy 21212

Year 2

PHY3303 Modern Physics#21HRPre-requisite: PHY1104 and PHY1911
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective2121

Choose one of the following three (3) courses:

     PHY2204 Astronomical Techniques21,2Pre-requisite: PHY1104 and PHY1911
     PHY2206 Medical Physics21,2
     PHY2208 Planetary and Exoplanetary Science21,2Pre-requisite: PHY1101
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§21,2,321,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
PHY2207 Optics22Pre-requisite: PHY1104 and PHY1911

Choose one of the following three courses

     PHY2204 Astronomical Techniques22Pre-requisite: PHY1104 and PHY1911
     PHY2206 Medical Physics22
     PHY2208 Planetary and Exoplanetary Science22Pre-requisite: PHY1101
CSC1401 Foundation Programming£21,2,321,2,3
Course selected from minor or general elective21,221,2,3

Year 3

PHY3305 Quantum Mechanics31Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: PHY3303
PHY3306 Solar and Stellar Astronomy31Pre-requisite: PHY1104 and PHY1911
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective31,2
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3232
PHY3304 Photonics#32HRPre-requisite: PHY1104 and PHY1911
PHY3307 Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy32Pre-requisite: PHY1104 and PHY1911
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3232

#This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
§Unavailable online in S3 2023
£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 12 Unit major - Mathematics and Statistics Extended

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences1111, 2
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
MAT1102 Algebra and Calculus I1111
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
CSC1401 Foundation Programming£11,2,311,2,3
MAT2200 Operations Research 11212Pre-requisite: MAT1102 or ENM1600 or equivalent or approval from the examiner. Enrolment is not permitted in MAT2200 if MAT1200 has been previously completed.
MAT2100 Algebra and Calculus II1212Pre-requisite: MAT1102 or MAT1502 or ENM1600 or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MSCN or MEPR or BSED
General Elective (or second major)1212

Year 2

MAT2409 High Performance Numerical Computing†2121Pre-requisite: (CSC2410 or CSC1401) and (MAT1102 or ENM1600) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MPIT or MCOT or MCTE
STA2301 Distribution Theory2121Pre-requisite: (STA2300 or STA1003 or equivalent) and (MAT1102 or ENM1600)
STA3300 Experimental Design2121Pre-requisite: STA2300 or STA1003 or equivalent or approval of examiner
General Elective (or second major)2121
STA2302 Statistical Inference22Pre-requisite: STA2301
STA3301 Statistical Models>2222Pre-requisite: STA3300 or approval of examiner or Students must have completed STA8170 or STA6200 and be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCSC or GDSI or MSCN or MADS or MSCR or DPHD.
General Elective or second major2222
General Elective or second major2222

Year 3

MAT3105 Harmony of Partial Differential Equations+3131Pre-requisite: ENM2600 or MAT2100 or MAT2500
MAT3201 Operations Research 2*†3131Pre-requisite: MAT1200 or MAT2200 or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSCN or GDSI
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
STA3200 Multivariate Statistical Methods31Pre-requisite: STA2300 or STA1003 Enrolment is not permitted in STA3200 if STA8005 or STA6100 have been previously completed
General Elective or second major3232
General Elective or second major3232
MAT3103 Mathematical Modelling and Dynamical Systems+3232Pre-requisite: MAT2100 or MAT2500 or ENM2600
General Elective or second major3232

§Unavailable online in S3 2023
£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024
†Unavailable on-campus at Toowoomba in S1 2023
>Unavailable Semester 2, 2023 Toowoomba On-campus
+The on-campus offering of this course is offered in even-numbered years only.
*The on-campus offering of this course is offered in odd-numbered years only.

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - BSCP - Psychology

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
HAC1000 The Skilful Communicator1212,3Enrolment is not permitted in HAC1000 if CMS1000 or CMS1100 has been previously completed
PSY1010 Foundation Psychology A1111,3
General Elective1111
PSY1030 Cross-Cultural and Indigenous Psychology1212,3
PSY1020 Foundation Psychology B1211, 2
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§1211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
General Elective1212

Year 2

PSY2010 Social Processes of Behaviour2121Pre-requisite: PSY1010
PSY2020 Motivation and Emotion2121Pre-requisite: PSY1010 and PSY1020
PSY2100 Research Methods in Psychology A21Pre-requisite: PSY1010 and (STA2300 or STA1003). For students enrolled in Program BSSC with a major in BES: PSY1010 and STA3100
General Elective2121
PSY2030 Developmental Psychology2222Pre-requisite: PSY1010
PSY2040 Human Information Processing<2222Pre-requisite: PSY1020 and (PSY2100 or STA2300 or STA1003)
PSY3111 Research Methods in Psychology B^^2222Pre-requisite: PSY2100
General Elective2222

Year 3

PSY3010 Assessment of Behaviour31Pre-requisite: PSY2100
PSY3030 Abnormal Psychology31Pre-requisite: PSY1010
PSY3060 Learning and Behaviour Change31Pre-requisite: PSY1020
General Elective3131
PSY3050 Counselling Psychology$ 3232Pre-requisite: PSY1010 or CDS3002
General Elective3232
General Elective3232
General Elective3232

§Unavailable online in S3 2023
<Not available ONC Ipswich in S2 2023
^^Not available ONC Toowoomba or ONC Ipswich in S2 2023
$Not available ONC Toowoomba in S2 2023

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Animal Science

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences1111,2
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§11,211Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
AGR1101 Animal Health, Welfare and Behaviour*1111HR
BIO2103 Biology 2$*1212HR
AGR2301 Agricultural Science1212
MAT1100 Foundation Mathematics1212Enrolment is not permitted in MAT1100 if ENM1500 or MAT2100 or MAT1102 or ENM1600 or ENM2600 has been previously completed
General Elective (Or Major 2)1212

Year 2

AGR2201 Animal Production Systems*2121HR
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
AGR2203 Animal Nutrition*2222HRPre-requisite: BIO2103
BIO2219 Genetics2222Pre-requisite: BIO1100 or BIO1101 or BIO1204 or AGR1101
General Elective (Or Major 2)2222
General Elective (Or Major 2)2222

Year 3

General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
AGR3202 Animal Reproduction*3131HRPre-requisite: AGR1101 and BIO2103
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
AGR3302 Sensors and Technology in Animal Production*3232HR
General Elective (Or Major 2)3232
General Elective (Or Major 2)3232
General Elective (Or Major 2)3232

§Unavailable online in S3 2023
*This offering has a highly recommended residential school for on-campus and external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
$If students are enrolled in the Biology Major as well as the Animal Science major, students are to take AGR2303 Agronomy in place of BIO2103 Biology 2 .

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Biology

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

BIO1101 Biology 1*1111HR
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences1111,2
CHE1110 Chemistry 1*1111HR
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
MAT1100 Foundation Mathematics1212Enrolment is not permitted in MAT1100 if ENM1500 or MAT2100 or MAT1102 or ENM1600 or ENM2600 has been previously completed
BIO2103 Biology 2#1212HR
CHE2120 Chemistry 2*1212HRPre-requisite: CHE1110
BIO2107 Cell and Molecular Biology 1#2121HRPre-requisite: CHE2120
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
BIO2219 Genetics2222Pre-requisite: BIO1100 or BIO1101 or BIO1204 or AGR1101
General Elective (Or Major 2)2222
General Elective (Or Major 2)2222
General Elective (Or Major 2)2222
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
General Elective (Or Major 2)31,231,2
BIO3318 Plant Microbe Interactions#3232HRPre-requisite: BIO1101 or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: BATM or BENV or GCSC or GDSI or MSCN
BIO3207 Cell and Molecular Biology 2#3232HRPre-requisite: BIO2107
General Elective (Or Major 2)31,231,2
General Elective (Or Major 2)31,231,2

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school for external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
§Unavailable online in S3 2023
#This offering has a highly recommended residential school for on-campus and external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Computing

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

ELE1301 Computer Engineering1111
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
CSC1401 Foundation Programming£11,21 1, 2, 3
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences1111,2
CSC1410 Software Engineering Foundations22Pre-requisite: CSC1401
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
General Elective (or major 2)1212
General Elective (or major 2)1212

Year 2

CSC2408 Software Development Tools21,221, 2Pre-requisite: CSC1401
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
CSC2406 Web Technology 12222Pre-requisite: CSC1401 or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: UCCC or GDTI or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT or MCTN or BSED
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222

Year 3

CSC3400 Database Systems£3131Pre-requisite: CSC1401 or CIS1000 Enrolment is not permitted in CSC3400 if CIS2002 has been previously completed.
CSC3412 System and Security Administration3131Pre-requisite: CSC2408
CSC3426 Web Technology 23232Pre-requisite: CSC2406
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
General Elective (or major 2)31,231,2
General Elective (or major 2)31,231,2
General Elective (or major 2)31,231,2
General Elective (or major 2)31,231,2

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024
§Unavailable online in S3 2023

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Environment and Sustainability

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

REN1201 Environmental Studies+1111Enrolment is not permitted in REN1201 if REN8101 has been previously completed.
CLI1110 Weather and Climate1111
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences*1111,2
General Elective (or major 2)1212
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§1212,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
MAT1100 Foundation Mathematics1212Enrolment is not permitted in MAT1100 if ENM1500 or MAT2100 or MAT1102 or ENM1600 or ENM2600 has been previously completed
General Elective (Or Major 2)1222

Year 2

REN2200 Ecology for Sustainability2121Enrolment is not permitted in REN2200 if REN8202 has been previously completed.
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
REN3302 Sustainable Resource Use2222
CLI2201 Climate Change and Variability22
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222

Year 3

CLI3301 Climate and Environment Risk Assessment31
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3131
CLI3302 Adaptation to Climate Change32
REN3301 Biodiversity and Conservation3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232

+The Springfield on-campus offer is not available in 2023.
*Students may choose HAC1000 The Skilful Communicator in lieu of CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences if they wish.
§Unavailable online in S3 2023

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major – Food Science

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

BIO1810 Introduction to Food Science1111
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences1111,2
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
MAT1100 Foundation Mathematics1212Enrolment is not permitted in MAT1100 if ENM1500 or MAT2100 or MAT1102 or ENM1600 or ENM2600 has been previously completed
General Elective (or major 2)1212
General Elective (or major 2)1212
General Elective (or major 2)1212

Year 2

CHE2810 Food Chemistry2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
CHE2820 Principles of Food Analysis2222
BIO2810 Nutrition and Health2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222

Year 3

BIO3810 Food Processing*3131HR
BIO3820 Food Microbiology*3131HR
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
General Elective (or major 2)3131
BIO3811 Food Product Development*3232HRPre-requisite: BIO1810
BIO3821 Food Quality Assurance*3232HR
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232

§Unavailable online in S3 2023
*This offering has a highly recommended residential school for both on-campus and external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major – Geospatial Science

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

GIS1402 Geographic Information Systems£1111
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences1111,2
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
GIS1401 Geographic Data Presentation1212
General Elective (or major 2)1212
General Elective (or major 2)1212
General Elective (or major 2)1212

Year 2

General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
GIS2405 Spatial Analysis and Modelling2222
GIS2407 Web Based Geographic Information System2222Pre-requisite: GIS1402 or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCST or GDST or MSST or MSPT or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222

Year 3

CSC3400 Database Systems£3131,3Pre-requisite: CSC1401 or CIS1000 Enrolment is not permitted in CSC3400 if CIS2002 has been previously completed.
GIS3407 GIS Programming and Visualisation3131Pre-requisite: GIS1402 and CSC1401 or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDST or MSST or GCST or MENS or MSPT
GIS3406 Remote Sensing and Image Processing3131
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
GIS3008 Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing3232Pre-requisite: GIS1402 and GIS3406 or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCST or GDST or MSPT
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232

£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024
§Unavailable online in S3 2023

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Human Physiology

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

BIO1204 Introduction to Biomedical Sciences#1111M
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences1111
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
BIO1203 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1£#1111,3M
BIO1104 Medical Microbiology and Immunology 1#1212M
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§1212,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
MAT1100 Foundation Mathematics1212Enrolment is not permitted in MAT1100 if ENM1500 or MAT2100 or MAT1102 or ENM1600 or ENM2600 has been previously completed
BIO1206 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2£#1212MPre-requisite: BIO1203

Year 2

BIO2118 Systems Physiology and Pharmacology*2121MPre-requisite: BIO1203 Co-requisite: STA2300 or STA1003
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
BIO2218 Concepts in Endocrinology*2222MPre-requisite: BIO2118
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222

Year 3

BIO3102 Human Pathophysiology31Pre-requisite: BIO2118 and BIO2218
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3131
BIO3201 Extreme Physiology and Pharmacology32Pre-requisite: BIO2118
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232

#Mandatory residential school for external students
£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024
§Unavailable online in S3 2023
*Mandatory residential school for external and on-campus students

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Mathematics and Statistics

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences1111, 2
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
MAT1102 Algebra and Calculus I1111
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
CSC1401 Foundation Programming£11,2,311,2,3
MAT2200 Operations Research 11212Pre-requisite: MAT1102 or ENM1600 or equivalent or approval from the examiner. Enrolment is not permitted in MAT2200 if MAT1200 has been previously completed.
MAT2100 Algebra and Calculus II1212Pre-requisite: MAT1102 or MAT1502 or ENM1600 or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MSCN or MEPR or BSED
General Elective or second major1212

Year 2

MAT2409 High Performance Numerical Computing#†2121Pre-requisite: (CSC2410 or CSC1401) and (MAT1102 or ENM1600) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MPIT or MCOT or MCTE
STA2301 Distribution Theory2121Pre-requisite: (STA2300 or STA1003 or equivalent) and (MAT1102 or ENM1600)
General Elective or second major2121
General Elective or second major2121
General Elective or second major2222
General Elective or second major2222
General Elective or second major2222
General Elective or second major2222

Year 3

SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
STA3200 Multivariate Statistical Methods31Pre-requisite: STA2300 or STA1003 Enrolment is not permitted in STA3200 if STA8005 or STA6100 have been previously completed
STA3300 Experimental Design3131Pre-requisite: STA2300 or STA1003 or equivalent or approval of examiner
General Elective or second major3131
STA3301 Statistical Models>3232Pre-requisite: STA3300 or approval of examiner or Students must have completed STA8170 or STA6200 and be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCSC or GDSI or MSCN or MADS or MSCR or DPHD.
General Elective or second major3232
General Elective or second major3232
General Elective or second major3232

§Unavailable online in S3 2023
£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024
#To enrol in MAT2409 students should ensure they have first completed the prerequisite of CSC2410 (preferred) or CSC1401 .
†Unavailable on-campus at Toowoomba in S1 2023
>Unavailable Semester 2, 2023 Toowoomba On-campus

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Physics

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

PHY1104 Physics 11111Co-requisite: (MAT1102 or ENM2600) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSCN or GDSI or GCSC
MAT1102 Algebra and Calculus I1111
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general electives1111
PHY1911 Physics 21212Co-requisite: (MAT2100 or ENM1600) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSCN or GDSI or GCSC
MAT2100 Algebra and Calculus II1212Pre-requisite: MAT1102 or MAT1502 or ENM1600 or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MSCN or MEPR or BSED
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences1111,2
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general electives1212

Year 2

Choose two (2) of the following three (3) courses

     PHY2204 Astronomical Techniques21Pre-requisite: PHY1104 and PHY1911
     PHY2206 Medical Physics22
     PHY2208 Planetary and Exoplanetary Science22Pre-requisite: PHY1101
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§21, 221,2Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective2121
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective2121
PHY2207 Optics22Pre-requisite: PHY1104 and PHY1911
CSC1401 Foundation Programming£21,2,321,2,3
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective2222

Year 3

PHY3303 Modern Physics#31HRPre-requisite: PHY1104 and PHY1911
PHY3305 Quantum Mechanics31Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: PHY3303
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3131
PHY3304 Photonics**#32HRPre-requisite: PHY1104 and PHY1911
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3232
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3232
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3232

§Unavailable online in S3 2023
£In Semester 3, 2023 this course will be delivered as a Transition (9 week) semester, commencing on 13 November 2023 and concluding on 12 January 2024
#This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
**Students who have completed PHYS313 through UNE are unable to enrol in PHY3304.

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major – Plant Agricultural Science

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

BIO1101 Biology 1*1111HR
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences1111,2
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
AGR2301 Agricultural Science1212
MAT1100 Foundation Mathematics1212Enrolment is not permitted in MAT1100 if ENM1500 or MAT2100 or MAT1102 or ENM1600 or ENM2600 has been previously completed
General Elective (or major 2)1212
General Elective (or major 2)1212

Year 2

AGR2303 Agronomy2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
AGR2304 Plant Breeding#2222HRPre-requisite: BIO1101
BIO2202 Plant Physiology#2222HRPre-requisite: BIO1101
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222

Year 3

AGR3304 Soil Science3131
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3131
BIO3318 Plant Microbe Interactions#3232HRPre-requisite: BIO1101 or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: BATM or BENV or GCSC or GDSI or MSCN
AGR3305 Precision and Smart Technologies in Agriculture3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school for external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
§Unavailable online in S3 2023
#This offering has a highly recommended residential school for on-campus and external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Wildlife Management

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences1111,2
WLF2101 Management of Wildlife*1111HR
AGR1101 Animal Health, Welfare and Behaviour*1111HR
General Elective (Or Major 2)1212
WLF1201 Field Skills for Wildlife, Game and Pest Management+12M
MAT1100 Foundation Mathematics1212Enrolment is not permitted in MAT1100 if ENM1500 or MAT2100 or MAT1102 or ENM1600 or ENM2600 has been previously completed
WLF2201 Vertebrate Pests and Biosecurity*1212HR

Year 2

STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§21,221,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2222
General Elective (Or Major 2)2222
General Elective (Or Major 2)2222
General Elective (Or Major 2)2222

Year 3

WLF3101 Principles of Wildlife Management & Sustainable Use^31
SCI3301 Science Project31,2
General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
WLF3201 Captive Wildlife Management*^3232HR
REN3301 Biodiversity and Conservation3232
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2 3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
General Elective (Or Major 2)3232

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school for on-campus and external students (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
+This course has a mandatory residential school
§Unavailable online in S3 2023
^This course will be introduced in 2024

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Wine Science

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

WIN1101 Grape and Wine Production11
BIO1101 Biology 11111
SCI1001 Succeeding in Science1111
General Elective (Or Major 2)1111
General Elective (Or Major 2)1212
CMS1100 Communicating in the Sciences12
STA1003 Fundamental Statistics§1212,3Enrolment is not permitted in STA1003 if STA2300 or STA8170 or STA6200 or STA1004 has been previously completed. Students enrolled in the BACT, or undertaking the Accounting Major in the BBCM, are not eligible for enrolment.
General Elective (Or Major 2)1212

Year 2

WIN2200 Viticultural and Winemaking Practice21MCo-requisite: WIN1101
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
WIN2215 Wine Biochemistry and Microbiology22Pre-requisite: WIN1101
WIN2220 Wine Production22Pre-requisite: WIN1101
WIN2210 Viticultural Principles and Production22Pre-requisite: WIN1101
General Elective (Or Major 2)2222

Year 3

General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
SCI3302 Work-Integrated-Learning31,2,331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
WIN3310 Wine Sensory Analysis32MPre-requisite: WIN1101
General Elective (Or Major 2)3232
General Elective (Or Major 2)3232
WIN3304 Viticultural and Winemaking Practice 233MPre-requisite: WIN1101

§Unavailable online in S3 2023