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Environmental Studies

Students studying this minor will obtain an understanding of the processes that affect the environment and the ways in which the environment may be better managed through more sustainable practices. These studies will also assist students to understand the relationship of their major studies to the social, scientific, economic and technical aspects of human interaction with the environmental quality.

Enrolment requirements
REN1201 Environmental StudiesS1 , S1     S1  Enrolment is not permitted in REN1201 if REN8101 has been previously completed.
CLI1110 Weather and ClimateS1 , S1     S1  
ENV2201 Land StudiesS1 , S1  S1 , S1    S1  

and one or more of the following courses:

REN3301 Biodiversity and ConservationS2 , S2     S2  
REN3302 Sustainable Resource UseS2 , S2     S2  
REN2200 Ecology for SustainabilityS1 , S1     S1  Enrolment is not permitted in REN2200 if REN8202 has been previously completed.
AGR3304 Soil ScienceS1 , S1     S1  
ENV4204 Environmental TechnologyS1 , S1     S1  Pre-requisite: ENV2105 or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: PDEV or GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
LAW2107 Environmental Law    IT2  Pre-requisite: LAW1501 or LAW1101 or LAW1500 or ENG2002 or REN1201 or (Students enrolled in BEDU (Legal Studies) or BLAW or LLBP or BALW or BCLW or BZLW - Pre-requisite: LAW1111)