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AVN2103 Airline Operations Management

Semester 2, 2022 Springfield On-campus
Units : 1
Faculty or Section : Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts
School or Department : School of Business
Grading basis : Graded
Course fee schedule : /current-students/administration/fees/fee-schedules


Examiner: Paul Lee


Airline operations are defined as the functional areas which are directly associated with the operation of the aircraft and in the provision of services for aircraft operation. All aviation professionals need a thorough understanding of the operational aspects of the airline business. Airline Operations Management is a broadly based course that is designed to cover the range of technical functions within a scheduled airline operation. The course introduces students to each aspect of airline operations and emphasises the integrated nature of operations required to achieve safe and efficient outcomes.

This course provides an overview of airline operations within the highly regulated environment that includes flight operations, flight standards, fleet management, crew training, network operations, cabin crew operations, ground operations and aircraft maintenance. The course will also look at the relevant air transport regulation, air traffic management and appropriate business models. Students will work individually and in small teams to gain an understanding of planning, coordinating, and controlling an airline in the context of a commercial environment.

Course learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course students should be able to:

  1. identify and reconcile competing technical, regulatory and environmental aspects of aircraft operation;
  2. specify airline passenger and freight products;
  3. identify and articulate key airline strategies and business models;
  4. integrate planning and implementation processes between the key disciplines within an airline operation;
  5. apply knowledge of key principles to flight scheduling;
  6. reconcile the competing demands of economic and environmental sustainability.


Description Weighting(%)
1. The regulation of air transport 25.00
2. Business models and aircraft fleet selection 25.00
3. Airport infrastructure and air traffic management 25.00
4. Management perspectives 25.00

Text and materials required to be purchased or accessed

There are no texts or materials required for this course.

Student workload expectations

To do well in this subject, students are expected to commit approximately 10 hours per week including class contact hours, independent study, and all assessment tasks. If you are undertaking additional activities, which may include placements and residential schools, the weekly workload hours may vary.

Assessment details

Approach Type Description Group
Weighting (%) Course learning outcomes
Assignments Written Quiz No 10 1,2
Assignments Written Report No 40 1,3
Examinations Non-invigilated Time limited online examinatn No 50 1,2,3,4,5,6
Date printed 10 February 2023