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EDM8018 Leading in Early Childhood

Units : 1
Faculty or Section : Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts
School or Department : School of Education
Grading basis : Graded
Course fee schedule : /current-students/administration/fees/fee-schedules


Pre-requisite: EDM5014


Dynamic early childhood contexts are essential to meet the demands of diverse twenty first century communities. Knowledge of effective leadership is vital for early childhood educators to manage accountability requirements, address day to day challenges and communicate a futures-focus. Awareness of historical and comparative perspectives and current issues and trends in the early childhood field enable early childhood professionals in leadership roles to make informed choices in adapting to changing policy environments and undertaking advocacy for young children and parents and carers. Effective leadership is a key driver for the provision of quality early childhood programs and positive outcomes for children and their families across diverse settings.
Understanding engagement in continued professional learning as an approach to improve effective professional practice is vital.

This course will introduce preservice teachers to the historical and comparative theory and practices associated with effective leadership and management with emphasis given to contextually relevant notions of leadership.

It will incorporate leadership knowledge and skills for early childhood teachers working with children, families, staff and community, responding to policy change and maintaining procedures which reflect current legal and ethical requirements.

Preservice teachers will engage with research, the National Quality Framework and professional standards as sources of professional learning and collaborate as a collegial team to explore issues relating to current trends that will impact their future roles as leader practitioners in early childhood contexts.

How leadership knowledge and skills inform advocacy for the early childhood field will be explored along with effective ways to facilitate critical dialogue.

Course offers

天美传媒app period Mode Campus
Semester 2, 2022 Online
Semester 3, 2022 Online
Date printed 10 February 2023