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HSW2211 Youth Work Practice

Units : 1
Faculty or Section : Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences
School or Department : School of Psychology and Wellbeing
Grading basis : Graded
Course fee schedule : /current-students/administration/fees/fee-schedules


Pre-requisite: HSW2120 and CDS1000


Young people aged between 12- 21, represent the next generation of contributing members of Australian society. In certain communities (e.g. Indigenous) young people constitute the largest population cohort. There are however, a number of challenges to gaining and maintaining the quality of life of youth such depression, unemployment, sexual and physical violence, drug and alcohol usage. Youth work has occupied an integral role in fostering youth development, participation in society and has assisted young people to gain critical skills that enhance their capabilities in independent living, resilience and leadership.

This course will explore contemporary and distinctive youth work practices. Students will explore the different perspectives and experiences of young people, youth workers and other critical stakeholders. Content presented will enable students to critically appraise the evolution of youth work within a cultural and sociological framework that considers matters of agency, health and empowerment.

Course offers

天美传媒app period Mode Campus
Semester 2, 2022 Online
Date printed 10 February 2023