You can seek support for yourself and report your experience to UniSQ via .
Specially trained and experienced staff from the Safer Communities and Student Wellbeing Teams respond to all reports of sexual violence reported to UniSQ. Your information will remain confidential to these teams.
Safer Communities and Student Wellbeing use a trauma-informed approach and will help you to understand your experience, plan for your safety, seek ongoing specialist support and discuss formal reporting options. Safer Communities will be there to support you, every step of the way.
You can ask UniSQ to investigate your experience and take action. To do this you will need to make a formal complaint to UniSQ. Safer Communities can escalate a report to a formal complaint with your consent on your behalf. You will not need to do anything more than talk to Safer Communities.
You can also choose to make directly to the Grievance Resolution Unit. If you do this, the Grievance Resolution Unit will refer you to Safer Communities for support.
You can seek support, information and advice from specialist sexual violence support services. There are lots of different services across Australia, contact for information about specialist services close to you in your state or territory. Safer Communities can also connect you with a local specialist support service via .
For culturally safe support contact .