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Master of Education (Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)) or Master of Education (Full Fee Paying (FFP)) (MEDCorMEDF) - MEd

Start:Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 3 (November)
Campus:Toowoomba -
Fees:Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Standard duration: 1.5 years full-time (dependent on availability of courses), up to 6 years part-time 
Program articulation:

From: Graduate Certificate of Education and/or ; Graduate Diploma of Education (Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)) or Graduate Diploma of Education (Full Fee Paying (FFP))


Specialisations can be either Commonwealth Supported Place or Full Fee Paying. Students who are not eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place will be charged full-fee.
Online mode of study is supported through the USQ 天美传媒app Desk.
This program does not qualify students for teacher registration with relevant teaching authorities. To qualify for teacher registration in Queensland, please refer to the Master of Learning and Teaching
On successful completion of the Master of Education, students may be eligible for entry into the Doctor of Education or the Doctor of Philosophy, provided necessary entry requirements are met.

*Not all courses are available in every mode in every semester or year. Students are advised to check the course and mode offer listings for each semester/year.

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Contact us

Future Australian and New Zealand students  Future International students  Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: study@usq.edu.au  

Phone: +61 7 4631 5543
Email: international@usq.edu.au 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email usq.support@usq.edu.au 

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Program aims

Within our suite of postgraduate studies, the Master of Education is a coursework program designed for diverse professional contexts and offering a possible pathway into doctoral studies. The program will enable you to extend and master your professional knowledge and understanding of the latest developments in national and global educational issues. You will develop your ability to evaluate and critically reflect on evidence-based practice whilst enhancing your research skills. You will contextualise theory and practice in community, professional and workplace contexts while critically reflecting on current educational practices with a view to effecting change. This program offers flexible, cross-disciplinary, specialisation and elective options that enable you to tailor your learning to enhance and advance your career opportunities.

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Program objectives

On successful completion of the program, graduates should be able to:

  • synthesise and apply advanced theoretical and technical knowledge to contemporary and emerging educational issues, ideas, policies and debates with regard to professional practice.

  • analyse and evaluate complex educational contexts to critically reflect on cultural norms and practices in educational settings nationally and globally.

  • communicate effectively in academic, professional and community contexts through multiple modes.

  • communicate ways of working respectfully and collaboratively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities, and culturally and linguistically diverse peoples and communities.

  • develop creative and effective ways to implement contextually relevant educational innovation.

  • design and conduct ethical research responsive to educational theories, practices and contexts.

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

  • completion of an Australian university three year Bachelor degree, or equivalent (AQF Level 7), in an education related discipline, from a recognised institution.

  • English Language Proficiency requirements for Category 3.

For applicants who have a Bachelor degree or equivalent (AQF level 7) in a non-related discipline from a recognised institution, USQ鈥檚 Graduate Certificate of Education provides a pathway into the Master of Education. Upon completion and achievement of a minimum GPA of 4.0, they will be eligible for entry into the Master of Education.

All students are required to satisfy the applicable .

If students do not meet the English language requirements they may apply to study a University-approved . On successful completion of the English language program, students may be admitted to an award program.

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Program fees

Commonwealth supported place

A Commonwealth supported place is where the Australian Government makes a contribution towards the cost of a students' higher education and students pay a , which varies depending on the courses undertaken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

Commonwealth Supported students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called .

Domestic full fee paying place

Domestic full fee paying places are funded entirely through the full fees paid by the student. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the

Domestic full fee paying students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called provided they meet the residency and citizenship requirements.

Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, Permanent Resident visa holders and New Zealand citizens who will be resident outside Australia for the duration of their program pay full tuition fees and are not eligible for .

International full fee paying place

International students pay full fees. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken and whether they are studied on-campus, via distance education/online. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

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Program structure

The Master of Education is a 12-unit program. These guidelines shape the program structure:

  • in the program structure, three specialisation courses from the recommended enrolment pattern of the selected specialisation must be completed with, or before, enrolling in the first research course, .

  • the three research courses must be taken in all specialisations, and these equal four units of work.

  • completion of required or approved courses from the recommended enrolment pattern of the selected specialisation.

  • to be eligible to apply for entry to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) students must normally:

    • successfully complete the program with an overall GPA of 5.0 and

    • achieve a GPA of 5.75 for the four unit research courses

  • students who successfully complete the Master of Education and who are not eligible for entry into the Doctor of Philosophy should check their eligibility for entry into the Doctor of Education.

  On-campus  Online  Requirement  Comment 
Research courses 
  1   1, 2, 3  Co-requisite: three specialisation courses from the recommended enrolment pattern of the selected specialisation.    
  1, 2, 3  Pre-requisite: , three specialisation courses from the recommended enrolment pattern of the selected specialisation.    
  1, 2, 3  Pre-requisite: and .   This is a 2 unit capstone course and is recommended to be taken in the final semester of study. 

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Required time limits

Subject to the availability of the required courses, full-time enrolment normally requires 1.5 years of study. Part-time enrolment may be extended to 6 years of study.

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Core courses

The Master of Education has required courses or sequences of courses. Students are advised to note carefully the enrolment requirements for the specialisation and to ensure that they plan their enrolment to allow for completion of the specialisation requirements.

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All specialisations are available for both domestic and international students in the Master of Education. A limited number of specialisations are available as Commonwealth Supported Places for eligible students.

For each of the specialisations students are required to complete the enrolment pattern as outlined in the specialisation requirements.

Specialisations in the Master of Education:

  • Career Development

  • Guidance and Counselling (eligible for Commonwealth Supported Place)

  • Educational Leadership

  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education

  • Special and Inclusive Education (eligible for Commonwealth Supported Place)

  • Teaching English Language to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (eligible for Commonwealth Supported Place)

  • General (no named specialisation will appear on the Testamur)

Students who wish to study a broader variety of courses and are not seeking a specialisation should follow the general pathway guidelines. Please note this is a full-fee paying pathway.

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Electives/Approved courses

Education postgraduate courses#  Discipline Focus  Projected semester offers  
  Special and Inclusive Education  1,3 
  Special and Inclusive Education 
  Guidance and Counselling  1,3 
  Guidance and Counselling  1,3 
^  TESOL, Career Development  1,2
Professional Experience is a required component of this course, please refer to the Course Specification regarding sector specific requirements. 
  STEM Education 
  STEM Education 
EDU8133 Developing Contemporary STEM Education Programs  STEM Education 
  STEM Education 
  Guidance and Counselling, Career Development 
  Educational Leadership  
  Special and Inclusive Education 
  Special and Inclusive Education 
  Career Development, Guidance and Counselling   2,3 
  Guidance and Counselling, Career Development  
  Career Development, Guidance and Counselling  
  Guidance and Counselling 
  Guidance and Counselling  1, 2
Professional Experience is a required component of this course, please refer to the Course Specification regarding sector specific requirements. 
  Special and Inclusive Education 
  Educational Leadership, Career Development, STEM Education  1, 2 
  Guidance and Counselling 
  Special and Inclusive Education 
  Educational Leadership 
  Career Development  
  Special and Inclusive Education 
  Special and Inclusive Education 
  Special and Inclusive Education  2
Professional Experience is a required component of this course, please refer to the Course Specification regarding sector specific requirements. 
  Educational Leadership 
  Educational Leadership 
  Educational Leadership  
  TESOL  1,2 
  TESOL  1,2 
  TESOL  1,2 
  STEM Education  
EDU5601 Designing for Flexible Learning Environments  STEM Education 

#Subject to approval of the Director and provided necessary pre-requisites are met.
^Professional Experience is a required component of this course, please refer to the Course Specification regarding sector specific requirements.

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IT requirements

Students must have reliable and ready access to email and the Internet. See minimum computing standards for more information.

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The Master of Education articulates from the Graduate Certificate of Education and/or Graduate Diploma of Education (Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)) or Graduate Diploma of Education (Full Fee Paying (FFP)) . On completion of the Master of Education, students may be eligible for entry into the Doctor of Education or the Doctor of Philosophy, provided necessary entry requirements are met.

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Exit points

Students who successfully complete a minimum of four units of the Master of Education program will be eligible to exit with a Graduate Certificate of Education for the general pathway or the selected specialisation.
Students who successfully complete eight units of study may exit with a Graduate Diploma of Education for the general pathway or the selected specialisation
Students wishing to exit with one of these awards are advised to contact the Faculty of Business Education Law and Arts.

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Credit may be granted on the basis of completed equivalent postgraduate study from a recognised institution. In order for credit to be granted, the claim must meet the following specific requirements:

  • the course was passed within ten years prior to the application.

  • the course passed is sufficiently equivalent in objectives, content and weightings to a course prescribed in the Master of Education, or alternatively, the course is suitable as a discipline course

  • the maximum credit granted is no greater than six units for the Master of Education

  • credit approved in the Master of Education will not automatically apply to other programs offered by the USQ

Claims for credit should be submitted prior to or at the time of enrolment in a course. Each claim will be assessed on individual merit in line with USQ policy. Please contact the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts for further information.

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Students will enrol in the Master of Education on either a full-time or a part-time basis.
Note: Minimum enrolment numbers apply to all courses. Should enrolments not meet the minimum number required students may need to choose alternative courses. Students will be advised of the change prior to semester start.

Recommended enrolment patterns

In this section:

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Guidance and Counselling

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Master of Education (Commonwealth Supported) (MEDC)
Commonwealth Supported Places available for eligible students.
An enrolment associated with the Master of Education (Guidance & Counselling) prior to 21 May 2021 is registered with the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) as an entry-level qualification for membership of the ACA

Students planning to work as a Guidance Officer in Education Queensland's state schools usually require registration as a teacher in addition to the Master of Education (Guidance and Counselling). Counselling roles in schools in the Independent or Catholic sectors in Queensland may have different requirements. You should check the requirements with your prospective employer.
Students planning to work outside Queensland and who are intending to use the Master of Education (Guidance and Counselling) for employment in schools in a guidance and counselling role, should consult relevant registration bodies, the Australian Counselling Association, and/or state branches of the

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirementsComments

Required Courses

1,3Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.
1,3Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.

Complete one of the following approved courses:

1, 2Pre-requisite: and Professional Experience is a required component of this course, please refer to the Course Specification regarding sector specific requirements.

Complete all three research courses. Find more details within the Program Structure of this degree

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Special and Inclusive Education

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Master of Education (Commonwealth Supported) (MEDC)
Commonwealth Supported Places available for eligible students.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirementsComments

Required Courses


Complete one of the following approved courses:

2Professional Experience is a required component of this course, please refer to the Course Specification regarding sector specific requirements.

Complete all three research courses.. Find more details within the Program Structure of this degree.

Some courses require access to workplaces.

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Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Master of Education (Commonwealth Supported) (MEDC)
Commonwealth Supported Places available for eligible students.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirementsComments

Required Courses


Complete two of the following approved courses

1,2Professional Experience is a required component of this course, please refer to the Course Specification regarding sector specific requirements.

Complete all three research courses. Find more details within the Program Structure of this degree.

Some courses require access to workplaces.

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Career Development

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Master of Education (Full-Fee Paying) (MEDF)
The Career Development specialisation meets the professional learning needs of professionals working in teaching, counselling, training, employment, community development, or information management roles who support the career planning and development of students, clients, and organisations.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirementsComments

Required Courses


Choose four (4) courses

1,2Professional Experience is a required component of this course, please refer to the Course Specification regarding sector specific requirements.
1, 2

Complete all three research courses. Find more details within the Program Structure of this degree.

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Educational Leadership

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Master of Education (Full-Fee Paying) (MEDF)

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirementsComments

Required Courses

1, 2Participants MUST have access to a mentee.

Complete four of the following courses:




Complete any 2 or 3 electives from the MED list of approved courses or University approved courses.

Complete all three research courses. Find more details within the Program Structure of this degree.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Master of Education (Full-Fee Paying) (MEDF)

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Required Courses

EDU8133 Developing Contemporary STEM Education Programs2

Complete any 4 of the following courses:

3Pre-requisite: or or or or or or or or or
EDU5601 Designing for Flexible Learning Environments 1

Complete all three research courses. Find more details within the Program Structure of this degree.

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General Pathway

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Master of Education (Full-Fee Paying) (MEDF)

For students choosing this pathway, no named specialisation will appear on their Testamur.