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Bachelor of Science (BSCI) - BSc

QTAC code (Australian and New Zealand applicants): Mathematics & Statistics (Toowoomba campus: 906351; External: 906355); Wine Science (Toowoomba campus: 906115); Plant Agricultural Science (Toowoomba campus: 906991; External: 906995); Food Science (Toowoomba campus: 906981; External: 906985); Information Technology (Toowoomba campus: 906791; External: 906795); Psychology Extended (External: 906365; Ipswich campus: 936361); Wildlife Management (Toowoomba campus: 907431; External: 907435); Mathematics (Toowoomba campus: 906881; Online: 906885); Statistics (Toowoomba campus: 906201; External: 906205; Ipswich campus: 936201); Psychology (Toowoomba campus: 906331; External: 906335; Ipswich campus: 936331); Biology (Toowoomba campus: 906831; External: 906835); Environment & Sustainability (Toowoomba campus: 906261; External: 906265); Computing (Toowoomba campus: 906761; External: 906765); Physical Sciences (External: 906125); Astronomical & Space Sciences (External: 906665); Human Physiology (Toowoomba campus: 906821; External: 906825); Counselling (Toowoomba campus: 906551; External: 906555; Ipswich campus: 936551); Animal Science (Toowoomba campus: 906771; External: 906775)

CRICOS code (International applicants): 042230E

Start:Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 3 (November)
Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 3 (November)
Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Campus:Ipswich, Toowoomba --
Fees:Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Residential school:Toowoomba, Ipswich 
Standard duration:3 years full-time, 6 years part-time, 9 years maximum 
#The Psychology Extended major (16 units) is only available on-campus at USQ Ipswich for a Semester 1 entry. Students can complete this extended major at other campuses through a mixture of on-campus and online courses. The Psychology major (12 units) is offered on-campus at USQ Ipswich and Toowoomba and online.
^The Physical Sciences and Astronomical and Space Sciences majors are only offered by external mode. Students will need to attend residential schools.
†Not all majors are available to commence in Semester 3 at USQ Toowoomba.
*The Wine Science, Physical Sciences and Astronomical and Space Sciences majors are not available to international students studying on-campus.
~The Counselling major is not available to international students studying on-campus. Domestic students can complete this major on-campus through a mixture of on-campus and external courses.
&The Animal Science major is only available on—campus at USQ Toowoomba and externally, with residential schools held at USQ Toowoomba. This major is available to international on-campus students.
<The Astronomical and Space Sciences major is available to international students residing in Australia, however, there are highly recommended attendance requirements at multiple residential schools held at USQ Toowoomba throughout the duration of the program. The external offering is unsuitable for international students studying overseas.

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Contact us

Future Australian and New Zealand students  Future International students  Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: study@usq.edu.au  

Phone: +61 7 4631 5543
Email: international@usq.edu.au 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email: usq.support@usq.edu.au 

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Professional accreditation

The Information Technology major of this program is accredited at professional level by the and, through the Seoul Accord, is recognised in other countries.

The Bachelor of Science (Psychology) major is fully accredited by the as a three-year sequence of study. The Bachelor of Science (Psychology Extended) major will automatically meet full accreditation with the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council as a three-year sequence of study.

The 8 unit Counselling major in the Bachelor of Science (BSCI) is not accredited externally. Residential schools within the BSCI Bachelor of Science (Counselling) major may assist students accrue hours of face to face instruction/tuition often required by professional counselling associations as part of membership criteria.

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Program objectives

On completion of this program students should be able to:

  • Exhibit a broad and coherent knowledge base, with a level of depth in one or more science disciplines, suitable to undertake professional work and/or further study.

  • Apply a range of cognitive and technical skills which reflect the underlying principles of one or more science disciplines.

  • Display well developed cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply relevant methods and technologies and present information to a range of audiences.

  • Critically analyse, consolidate and evaluate information to construct and implement solutions to unpredictable and complex problems.

  • Work autonomously and collaboratively to construct and implement problem solving paradigms to address relevant issues.

  • Apply well directed judgement and responsibility, in diverse contexts, which are consistent with the social, moral and legal responsibilities of professional scientists.

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Australian Qualifications Framework

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is a single national, comprehensive system of qualifications offered by higher education institutions (including universities), vocational education and training institutions and secondary schools. Each AQF qualification has a set of descriptors which define the type and complexity of knowledge, skills and application of knowledge and skills that a graduate who has been awarded that qualification has attained, and the typical volume of learning associated with that qualification type.

This program is at AQF Qualification Level 07. Graduates at this level will have broad and coherent knowledge and skills for professional work and/or further learning.

The full set of levels criteria and qualification type descriptors can be found by visiting .

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Program Information Set

View USQ’s admission criteria, student profiles and a summary of all offers made under via the QTAC website.

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Have achieved a minimum Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 65.6, or equivalent qualification.^
  • English Language Proficiency requirements for Category 2.

Additional pre-requisites and recommended prior study for individual majors

Animal Science (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

Astronomical and Space Sciences (12 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: One of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Biology (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: Mathematical Methods and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics or equivalent. If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods Level for entry then they will be required to undertake as an elective.

Computing (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: Mathematical Methods* (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

*USQ College has courses available via which will allow students to up-skill in Mathematics prior to entry.

Counselling (8 unit major)

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • Assumed knowledge expectations: English; General Mathematics or equivalent.

Environment and Sustainability (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: Mathematical Methods and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics or equivalent. If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods Level for entry then they will be required to undertake as an elective.

Food Science (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: Mathematical Methods and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics or equivalent. If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods Level for entry then they will be required to undertake as an elective.

Human Physiology (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C) and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent. If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods Level for entry then they will be required to undertake as an elective.

Information Technology (12 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended Prior ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½app: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C)* or equivalent.

*USQ College has courses available via which will allow students to up-skill in Mathematics prior to entry.

Mathematics (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

Mathematics and Statistics (12 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

Physical Sciences (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: One of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Plant Agricultural Science (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended Prior ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½app: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C) and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent. If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods Level for entry then they will be required to undertake as an elective.

Psychology (12 unit major)

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English; General Mathematics or equivalent.

Psychology Extended (16 unit major)

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English; General Mathematics or equivalent.

Statistics (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

Wine Science (8 unit major)

Subject Pre-requisite: General Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

  • Recommended prior study: Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4, C) and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent. If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods Level for entry then they will be required to undertake as an elective.

All students are required to satisfy the applicable .

If students do not meet the English language requirements they may apply to study a University-approved . On successful completion of the English language program, students may be admitted to an award program.


These are determined by the University for specific programs each Semester. The 2021 ATAR and tertiary entrance ranks are based on agreed QTAC schedules which assess formal study at Year 12 or , tertiary, preparatory, professional or vocational qualifications or work experience, as detailed in the QTAC Assessment of Qualifications Manual and QTAC Assessor Guidelines.

Adjustment factors may help you get into the program of your choice by increasing your entrance rank. The additional points don't apply to all applicants or all programs. Please read the information about USQ's carefully to find out what you may be eligible for.

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Program fees

Commonwealth supported place

A Commonwealth supported place is where the Australian Government makes a contribution towards the cost of a students' higher education and students pay a , which varies depending on the courses undertaken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

Commonwealth Supported students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called .

Domestic full fee paying place

Domestic full fee paying places are funded entirely through the full fees paid by the student. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the

Domestic full fee paying students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called provided they meet the residency and citizenship requirements.

Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, Permanent Resident visa holders and New Zealand citizens who will be resident outside Australia for the duration of their program pay full tuition fees and are not eligible for .

International full fee paying place

International students pay full fees. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken and whether they are studied on-campus, via distance education/online. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

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Program structure

The Bachelor of Science (BSCI) consists of 24 units comprising 4 core units of Foundation Studies courses with either a first 16, 12 or 8-unit major, a second 8-unit major or 4-unit minor and/or approved elective courses as specified for each major as follows:

  • one 16-unit BSCI major, 4-unit Foundation Studies and one 4-unit minor

  • one 16-unit BSCI major, 4-unit Foundation Studies and 4 units of elective courses

  • one 12-unit BSCI major, 4-unit Foundation Studies and one 8-unit major*^

  • one 12-unit BSCI major, 4-unit Foundation Studies, one 4-unit minor and 4 units of elective courses

  • one 12-unit BSCI major, 4-unit Foundation Studies and 8 units of elective courses

  • one 8-unit BSCI major, 4-unit Foundation Studies, one 8-unit major *and 4 units of elective courses*

  • one 8-unit BSCI major, 4-unit Foundation Studies and 12 units of elective courses approved by the Program Coordinator.

*The second 8-unit major can be chosen from any approved 8-unit major in the University. Students should ensure that they complete the appropriate courses in their second major in order to graduate with a double major in the Bachelor of Science. The selection of a suitable block of Foundation Studies courses will be based on the majors chosen and will require Program Coordinator approval.
^The Information Technology and Computing Majors, and the Mathematics and the Mathematics and Statistics majors cannot be combined towards a double major in the program.

At least four courses in the program will be at level 3 and no more than 10 courses in the program will be at level 1. Where two majors are chosen which have some compulsory courses in common, the overlap will be made up by taking extra major approved courses defined in those majors.

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Required time limits

Students have a maximum of 9 years to complete this program.

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Core courses

Foundation Studies

The Foundation knowledge courses for each major are listed in the table below. Students wishing to vary foundation studies must contact the program coordinator for approval.

  Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematics, Statistics, Physical Sciences and Astronomical and Space Sciences ^  Computing, Information Technology^   Animal Science, Plant Agricultural Science, Environment & Sustainability, Food Science, Human Physiology, Biology, Wine Science^  Counselling, Psychology and Psychology Extended 
Communication Studies  *    *   
Enabling Studies 1         
Enabling Studies 2    ^  ^#   

^If students do not have the recommended Mathematical Methods or equivalent level for entry then they will be required to undertake or as an elective before they attempt or .
*Students can study externally instead of .
#This course is equivalent to MAT1500 .

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Major studies

The following majors are available in the Bachelor of Science:

16-unit major (contain at least four Level 3 courses)

  • Psychology Extended

12-unit majors (contain at least three Level 3 courses)

  • Mathematics & Statistics

  • Information Technology

  • Psychology

  • Astronomical and Space Sciences

8-unit majors (contain at least two Level 3 courses)

  • Animal Science

  • Biology

  • Computing

  • Counselling

  • Environment and Sustainability

  • Food Science

  • Human Physiology

  • Mathematics

  • Physical Sciences

  • Plant Agricultural Science

  • Statistics

  • Wine Science

Specific majors

In this section:

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Psychology Extended (16-unit major)

Psychology Extended major objectives

The Bachelor of Science (Psychology Extended) program aims to produce graduates who have advanced knowledge and skills in psychology. Participation in the capstone experience will provide students with the acquired ability to research independently, apply theory and develop academic expertise in their chosen focus of area in psychology. The Program will extend student's appreciation of the contributions made by psychologists to society.

Many people who study psychology will not go on to become psychologists, but will find their training in psychology to be highly relevant and useful in their lives and work. Those who do become psychologists may work in a variety of settings including hospitals, schools, government bodies, large corporations, or in private practice. The Psychology Extended major will provide students with a broader knowledge of psychology-related knowledge and skills, which more than satisfy the minimum requirements for affiliate membership of relevant professional bodies, most notably the Australian Psychological Society.

Graduates who have completed the Extended major in Psychology will be able to:

  • apply knowledge of the breadth and depth of the major fields in contemporary Psychology to describe and explain human behaviour in multiple contexts:

  • systematically apply this knowledge in specific contexts such as mental health (clinical psychology), the workplace (organisational psychology), legal settings (law and psychology), education or sport psychology.

  • conduct research and report the findings to lay persons and the scientific community at large

  • prepare and develop a portfolio, which documents learning of identified outcomes and reflections of metacognitive processes

  • develop a broad range of skills, which are suited to occupations requiring the study or application of behavioural science in both the public and private sector

Psychology Extended Major Courses

This is a 16-unit extended major. Along with the Foundation Studies courses prescribed above, students must take the following 16 units of courses:

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
  1, 3  ONC, ONL 
  1 (ONL only), 2  ONC, ONL 
Two third-year level courses from the below list of psychology approved courses     

To complete the award, students taking a 16-unit extended major must additionally undertake one of the following choices:

  • 4 units of general elective courses; these can be selected from the list of psychology approved courses, or from any discipline, and may be at any year level, or

  • one 4-unit minor.

Minor studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives can be selected from the table of psychology approved courses below or from any courses at Levels 1, 2 and 3 offered by USQ subject to satisfaction of pre-requisite requirements, timetabling constraints, quotas, and program requirements. Please note that Diploma of Science Foundation core courses are not permitted as electives and students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.

Unsuitable electives

For various reasons, the following courses will not be approved as electives for students majoring in Psychology in the Bachelor of Science program:

, and .

Psychology Extended approved elective courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 

Note: The psychology approved courses offered can change from year to year. For information about which psychology approved courses are being offered in any particular year, students are directed to the course specification site for that particular year. Students are responsible for ensuring that they do not enrol in, or continue to be enrolled in, courses for which they have not satisfied the enrolment requirements (e.g., the necessary pre-requisites).

The recommended enrolment patterns for students with no exemptions, and the enrolment requirements for courses in the extended major, is given in the table that follows. If students are granted exemptions from specific compulsory courses or from approved elective courses, they may need to modify the recommended enrolment pattern.

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Mathematics and Statistics (12-unit major)

Mathematics and Statistics Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Mathematics and Statistics will be able to:

  • understand fundamentals of mathematical analysis at the undergraduate level

  • show a sound knowledge of important theories and techniques of applied mathematics, statistics and computing

  • apply their knowledge to solve practical problems that they are likely to encounter in science, industry, business or government instrumentalities

  • continue to develop their abilities through research, discussion and private study

  • use computer packages to solve problems in statistics, mathematics and modelling

  • satisfy the minimum requirements for graduate membership of relevant professional bodies.

Mathematics and Statistics Major Courses

This is a 12-unit major. Along with the Foundation Studies courses prescribed above, students must take the following 8 units of core major courses and choose four courses from the approved major courses.

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
Mathematics and Statistics core major courses     
+  ONC, ONL 
Approved courses: Choose four of the following five courses:     
*  ONC, ONL 
**  ONC, ONL 
*  ONC, ONL 
**  ONC, ONL 

+The on-campus offering of this course will not be available in 2021
*The on-campus offering of this course is offered in odd years only .
**The on-campus offering of this course is offered in even years only.

To complete the award, students taking a 12-unit major must undertake one of the following:

  • one 8 unit second major

  • 8 units of general electives.

Note: Students who are enrolled in the 12-unit Mathematics and Statistics major cannot also enrol in either the 8-unit Mathematics major or the 8-unit Statistics major.

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the eight-unit majors defined below for the Bachelor of Science (except Mathematics or Statistics) or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from any other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. It is strongly recommended that students complete as an elective the course not completed in the 'choose four from five courses' as listed above. Students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.

Unsuitable electives

Students will require the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences if they wish to include , , , MAC1901 and CSC1402 as electives towards the Bachelor of Science program majoring in Mathematics and Statistics.

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Information Technology (12-unit major)

Information Technology Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Information Technology will be able to:

  • work as a professional in the Information Technology industry

  • show a sound understanding of several key areas of computing

  • have a broad knowledge in computing

  • have basic skills in software development and computer systems

  • show sound presentation and communication skills required in the computing industry

  • satisfy academic admission requirements for membership of relevant professional bodies.

Information Technology Major Courses

The Bachelor of Science (Information Technology) consists of 24-units comprised of:

  • 4 foundation courses;

  • 12 information technology courses listed below;

  • 8 units comprised of either:

    • a second major, excluding the Computing major; or

    • 4 units of electives and one 4 unit minor; or

    • 8 units of electives.

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
  1, 2, 3  ONC, ONL 
  1, 2  ONC, ONL 
*  ONC, ONL 


  1,2  ONC, ONL 
One (1) of the following courses :     

*Students will need to complete prior to enrolling in .
#Students select from either or , students are not required to complete both courses.

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the eight-unit majors defined below for the Bachelor of Science (except Computing) or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.

Unsuitable Electives

For various reasons, the following courses will not be approved as electives for students majoring in Information Technology in the Bachelor of Science program:

CSC1402 and .

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Astronomical and Space Sciences (12-unit major)

Astronomical and Space Sciences Major Courses

This is a 12-unit major. Along with the Foundation Studies courses prescribed above, students must take the following 12 units of courses:

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).


The foundation courses and have the following co-requisites:

For students considering post-graduate study in physics or astronomy, the following courses are strongly recommended:

Second Major

Student may choose to undertake an approved second major of Mathematics.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.

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Psychology (12-unit major)

Psychology Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Psychology will be able to:

  • demonstrate a sound understanding of the scope and focus of the major fields in contemporary Psychology

  • gain employment in the public and private sectors as behavioural science graduates or as graduates with a broad range of skills

  • satisfy the minimum requirements for affiliate membership of relevant professional bodies, most notably the Australian Psychological Society

  • conduct research and report the findings to lay persons and the scientific community at large.

Psychology Major Courses

This is a 12-unit major. Along with the Foundation Studies courses prescribed above, students must take the following 12 units of courses:

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
  1, 3  ONC, ONL 
  1, 2  ONC, ONL 

To complete the award, students taking a 12-unit major must undertake one of the following:

  • one further 8 unit second major

  • 4 units of general elective courses and one 4 unit minor study, or

  • 8 units of general electives.

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science , (Biology or Human Physiology) or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

The double major Psychology and Human Physiology, will provide an appreciation of the connections between psychological and physiological aspects of human health and is highly recommended by the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences.

The double major Psychology and Counselling, will provide an opportunity to develop skills in counselling in addition to completing the accredited sequence of psychology courses, which may enhance future career and employability prospects and is highly recommended by the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences.

Other majors in the University which have been taken as a second major with psychology include

Students intending to take a second major should begin enrolment in these courses in the first year of full-time enrolment, or the second year of part-time enrolment.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives can be selected from the table of psychology approved courses below or from any courses at Levels 1, 2 and 3 offered by USQ subject to satisfaction of pre-requisite requirements, timetabling constraints, quotas and program requirements. Please note that Diploma of Science Foundation core courses are not permitted as electives. Students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.

Unsuitable Electives

For various reasons, the following courses will not be approved as electives for students majoring in Psychology in the Bachelor of Science program:

, and .

Psychology Approved Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 

Note: The psychology approved courses offered changes from year to year. For information about what psychology approved courses are being offered in any particular year students are directed to the course specification site for that particular year. Students are responsible for ensuring that they do not enrol in, or continue to be enrolled in, courses for which they have not satisfied the enrolment requirements (e.g., the necessary pre-requisites).

The recommended enrolment patterns for students with no exemptions, and the enrolment requirements for courses in the major, is given in the table that follows. If students are granted exemptions from specific compulsory courses or from approved courses, they may need to modify the recommended enrolment pattern.

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Eight-unit majors

Eight-unit major objectives

The eight-unit majors are designed to:

  • allow students to receive a broad-based education

  • allow students to study at least one discipline area to Third Level

  • prepare students for teaching in appropriate areas to Grade 12 level in Secondary Schools, subject to further study

  • cater for students who aspire to professional studies that require a general first degree for admission

  • form a basis for study at postgraduate diploma level, honours level or higher.

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Animal Science (8-unit major)

Animal Science Major Courses

Courses #  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
  ONC, EXT * 
  ONC, EXT * 
AGR3202 Animal Reproduction @  ONC, EXT * 
  ONC, EXT * 
AGR3302 Sensors & Technology in Animal Production @  ONC, ONL 
  ONC, EXT * 

# At least four (4) courses in the program will be at Level 3 and no more than 10 courses in the program will be at Level 1.
* This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
@ This course will be offered in 2022.

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Biology (8-unit major)

Biology Major Courses

Courses#  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
  ONC, EXT* 
  ONC, EXT* 
Six (6) of the following courses, with at least two being Level 3 courses (provided prerequisites have been met):     
  ONC, EXT* 
  ONC, EXT* 
  ONC, EXT* 
  ONC, EXT* 
  ONC, EXT* 
  ONC, EXT* 

#At least four (4) courses in the program will be at Level 3 and no more than 10 courses in the program will be at Level 1.
*This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).

To complete the award, students taking an eight-unit major must undertake either:

  • one further 8 unit second major and 4 units of general elective courses or

  • a further 12 units of approved courses negotiated with the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences.

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Program Coordinator, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.

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Computing (8-unit major)

Computing Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
  1, 2  ONC, ONL 
  1, 2, 3  ONC,ONL 
Three of the following courses:     
*  ONC, ONL 

*Students will need to complete as an elective prior to enrolling in this course.

To complete the award, students taking an eight-unit major must undertake either:

  • one further 8 unit second major and 4 units of general elective courses or

  • a further 12 units of approved courses negotiated with the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences.

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.

Unsuitable Electives

For various reasons, the following courses will not be approved as electives for students majoring in Computing in the Bachelor of Science program:

CSC1402 and .

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Counselling (8-unit major)

Graduates who have completed the major in Counselling will have an overview of counselling theories and practice and basic counselling skills. This major is not accredited externally with the PACFA however attendance at residential schools will contribute towards a proportion of the required number of hours to join a PACFA affiliate.

Counselling Major Courses

Compulsory Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
+  EXT 
*  EXT 
+  EXT 
+  EXT 
Choose any four of the following courses     
+  EXT 
+  EXT 
^  1,3  ONL 
^  1,3  ONL 
~  1, 2 & 3  ONC,EXT 

+Attendance at residential schools is recommended as residential school attendance will be recorded to enable the student to demonstrate that they meet a proportion of the required number of hours of face-to-face instruction/tuition for eligibility to join a PACFA affiliate upon graduation. Students not attending the residential school will not accrue any hours toward eligibility to join a PACFA affiliate upon graduation.
*Attendance at residential schools is highly recommended as residential school attendance will be recorded to enable the student to demonstrate that they meet a proportion of the required number of hours of face-to-face instruction/tuition for eligibility to join a PACFA affiliate upon graduation. Students not attending the residential school will not accrue any hours toward eligibility to join a PACFA affiliate upon graduation.
^Students are required to enrol in EDU3325 and EDU3335 as early as possible in the required year of study as places are limited.
~Numbers of enrolments are limited. Students must have an approved placement before being able to enrol. Students should request to enrol by .

To complete the award, students taking an eight-unit major must undertake either:

  • one further 8 unit second major and 4 units of general elective courses or

  • a further 12 units of approved courses negotiated with the Program Coordinator.

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Program Coordinator, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.

Residential Schools

attendance at the for this course is highly recommended.

, , , and . Attendance at the for these courses is recommended.

Attendance will be recorded to enable the student to demonstrate that they meet a proportion of the required number of hours of face-to-face instruction/tuition for eligibility to join a PACFA affiliate upon graduation.

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Environment and Sustainability (8-unit major)

Environment and Sustainability Major Objectives

Graduates who have completed the major in Environment and Sustainability will be able to:

  • demonstrate more than a basic competence in climatology, physics, statistics and mathematics, environmental science, ecology and conservation, natural resource management and sustainability

  • demonstrate a detailed knowledge of major environmental issues, human impacts and key climate mechanisms and apply this knowledge towards more sustainable environmental and resource management

  • have a sound comprehension of the social, political and environmental implications of human impacts and global environmental changes

  • apply the principles of sustainability in a wide diversity of professional opportunities

Environment and Sustainability Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
*  ONC, ONL 
*  ONC, ONL 

*Available on-campus at Springfield and Toowoomba campuses.

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

There are a number of other courses, minors and majors with a focus on sustainability that students may wish to study.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. It is recommended that students choose as an elective. Students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.

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Food Science (8-unit major)

Food Science Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 

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Human Physiology (8-unit major)

Human Physiology Major Courses

Choose 8 courses from the following, with at least two being Level 3 courses (provided prerequisites have been met).

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
  ONC, EXT* 
  1,3   ONC, EXT* 
  ONC, EXT* 
  ONC, EXT* 
  ONC, EXT* 
  ONC, EXT * 
  EXT # 
  ONC, ONL+ 

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment)
#Students wishing to take this course should seek advice from the discipline coordinator. This offering requires attendance at a mandatory residential school (a mandatory residential school is compulsory and has an associated pass/fail assessment linked to the residential school attendance).
+On-campus mode unavailable in 2021

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook. Students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University.

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Mathematics (8-unit major)

Mathematics Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
**  ONC, ONL 
*  ONC, ONL 
**  ONC, ONL 

*The on-campus offering of this course is offered in even years only.
**The on-campus offering of this course is offered in odd years only.

To complete the award, students taking an eight-unit major must undertake either:

  • one further 8 unit second major and 4 units of general elective courses or

  • a further 12 units of approved courses negotiated with the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences.

Note: If enrolled in this 8-unit Mathematics major, students cannot also enrol in the 8-unit Statistics major or the 12-unit Mathematics and Statistics major. If students wish to complete a combination of mathematics and statistics courses, they should enrol in the 12-unit Mathematics and Statistics major only.

Second major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science (except Mathematics and Statistics, or Statistics) or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.

Unsuitable electives

Students will require approval from the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences if they wish to include , , , MAC1901 and CSC1402 as electives towards the Bachelor of Science program majoring in Mathematics.

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Physical Sciences (8-unit major)

Physical Sciences Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
^  EXT* 

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
^Students who have completed PHYS313 through UNE are unable to enrol in PHY3304.


The foundation courses and have the following co-requisites:

Second Major

The twelve-unit Mathematics and Statistics major can be undertaken as a second major or a second major can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.

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Plant Agricultural Science (8-unit major)

Plant Agricultural Science Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
  ONC, EXT* 
  ONC, EXT* 
  ONC, EXT* 
  ONC, EXT* 

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).

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Statistics (8-unit major)

Statistics Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
+  ONC, ONL 

+The on-campus offering of this course will not be available in 2021

To complete the award, students taking an eight-unit major must undertake either:

  • one further 8 unit second major and 4 units of general elective courses or

  • a further 12 units of approved courses negotiated with the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences.

Note: If enrolled in this 8-unit Statistics major, students cannot also enrol in the 8-unit Mathematics major or the 12-unit Mathematics and Statistics major. If students wish to complete a combination of mathematics and statistics courses, they should enrol in the 12-unit Mathematics and Statistics major only.

Second major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science (except Mathematics and Statistics, or Mathematics) or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.

Unsuitable electives

Students will require approval from the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences if they wish to include , , , MAC1901 and CSC1402 as electives towards the Bachelor of Science program majoring in Statistics.

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Wine Science (8-unit major)

Wine Science Major Courses

Courses  Semester(s) Offered  Mode 
  1, 2, 3  ONC, EXT 

**This offering requires attendance at a mandatory residential school.

Second Major

Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight-unit majors defined for the Bachelor of Science or, with the approval of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, from other eight-unit majors from other undergraduate programs in the University.

Minor Studies

Minor studies are a set of courses as defined in the section of the Handbook.


General electives are courses chosen from other Level 1, 2 or 3 courses in the University. Students must not take more than ten level 1 courses in the program overall.

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IT requirements

Students should visit the USQ to check that their computers are capable of running the appropriate software and versions of Internet web browsers and to check the minimum and recommended standards for software.

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Residential schools

The attendance requirement of residential schools within this degree is indicated by the following letters: R = Recommended; HR = Highly Recommended; M = Mandatory. To find out more about , visit the to view specific dates for your degree, or visit the .

Highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).

Animal Science

  • AGR3202 Animal Reproduction


Core major courses:

Core major approved courses:


Food Science

Human Physiology

Physical Sciences and Astronomical and Space Sciences

Plant Agricultural Science

Wine Science

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Related programs

Requirements for entry to Master of Learning and Teaching

Students intending to become secondary school teachers are advised that they may need to complete a postgraduate teacher entry qualification (such as the two-year MOLT Master of Learning and Teaching ) after completion of their undergraduate program. For further information, students should refer to the Education section of this Handbook or address enquiries to the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts.

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Exit points

Students who, for whatever reason, are unable to complete the Bachelor of Science and who satisfy all of the requirements may exit with a DPSC Diploma of Science .

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Exemptions/credit will be assessed based on the .

For PSY course exemptions – Psychology courses taken at another university or institution will only be considered for psychology exemptions if the courses were part of an APAC (Australian Psychology Accreditation Council) accredited sequence. APAC regulations clearly state that only courses taken within an APAC sequence can be used for exemptions from any PSY courses.

Transferring students - students who transfer into the BSCI from another USQ program, such as the BHMS Bachelor of Human Services (Counselling), will have all relevant courses transferred as per USQ policy. Completed courses will be transferred and treated as non-psychology general electives as per to APAC regulations. For example, EDC1100 will be treated as a non-psychology general elective as it is not equivalent to and does not form part of an APAC accredited sequence.

Recommended enrolment patterns

In this section:

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Psychology Extended

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

1111,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if MGT1200 has been previously completed.
General Elective1121
1211, 2
1231,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
General Elective1222

Year 2

2141Pre-requisite: and (STA2300 or ). For students enrolled in Program BSSC with a major in BES: and STA3100
General Elective2141
2242Pre-requisite: and ( or STA2300 or )
General Elective2232

Year 3

Psychology Elective (from list)3252
Psychology Elective (from list)3252

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Information Technology

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

11, 211, 2
1212Enrolment is not permitted in if MGT1200 has been previously completed.
1212Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
1212Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: UCCC or GDTI or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT or MCTN or BSED

Year 2

2121Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT or MCTN

Choose one of the following two (2) courses:

     #2121Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in the following Program: UCCC


     #Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT or MCTN
First general elective or course from the second major2121
Second general elective or course from the second major2121
2222Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT
Third general elective or course from the second major2222
One specified course from the major list2222
Fourth general elective or course from the second major2222

Year 3

3131,Pre-requisite: or
Fifth general elective or course from the second major3131
Sixth general elective or course from the second major3131
3231,2Pre-requisite: Students must have satisfactorily completed Business Analysis and at least 16 courses including seven BITC core courses other than this course.
Seventh general elective or course from the second major3232
Eighth general elective or course from the second major3232

#Students are not required to complete both and . is only offered in Semester 2. If a student chooses to complete in Semester 2 then the student will need to complete the fourth general elective or course from the second major in Semester 1.

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 12 unit major - Astronomical and Space Sciences

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

1111Co-requisite: ( or ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSCN or GDSI or GCSC
1212Pre-requisite: or MAT1502 or or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MSCN or MEPR or BSED
1212Co-requisite: ( or ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSCN or GDSI or GCSC

Year 2

#21HRPre-requisite: and
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective2121
21Pre-requisite: and
21,2,321,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
22Pre-requisite: and
Course selected from minor or general elective21,221,2,3

Year 3

31Pre-requisite or Co-requisite:
31Pre-requisite: and
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3131
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective31,2
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3232
#32HRPre-requisite: and
32Pre-requisite: and
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3232

#This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Mathematics and Statistics

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

Note: Students are not able to enrol in the 8-unit Mathematics major or the 8-unit Statistics major as a second major when completing this 12-unit Mathematics and Statistics major.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

1111, 2
11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
1212Pre-requisite: or or equivalent or approval from the examiner. Enrolment is not permitted in if MAT1200 has been previously completed.
1212Pre-requisite: or MAT1502 or or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MSCN or MEPR or BSED
General Elective (or second major)1212

Year 2

2121Pre-requisite: ( or ) and ( or ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MPIT or MCOT or MCTE
#2121Pre-requisite: (STA2300 or or equivalent) and ( or )
2121Pre-requisite: STA2300 or or equivalent or approval of examiner
General Elective (or second major)2121
2222Pre-requisite: or approval of examiner or Students must have completed and be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCSC or GDSI or MSCN or MADS or MSCR or DPHD.
General Elective or second major2222
General Elective or second major2222

Year 3

Approved Mathematics and Statistics major course31,231,2
Approved Mathematics and Statistics major course3131
Approved Mathematics and Statistics major course or General Elective or second major course3131
General Elective or second major3131
General Elective or second major3232
General Elective or second major3232
Approved Mathematics and Statistics major course3232
Approved Mathematics and Statistics major course or General Elective or second major course3232

Approved Mathematics and Statistics major courses. Choose four of the following five courses:

     +3131Pre-requisite: or or MAT2500
     *3131Pre-requisite: MAT1200 or or Students must be enrollled in one of the following Programs: MSCN or GDSI
     31Pre-requisite: STA2300 or
     +3232Pre-requisite: or MAT2500 or
     *3232Pre-requisite: (STA2300 or or equivalent) and ( or MAT2500 or )

#The on-campus offering of this course is unavailable in 2021
+The on-campus offering of this course is offered in even-numbered years only.
*The on-campus offering of this course is offered in odd-numbered years only.

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Psychology

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

1111,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if MGT1200 has been previously completed.
General Elective1121
1211, 2
1231,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
General Elective1222

Year 2

2141Pre-requisite: and (STA2300 or ). For students enrolled in Program BSSC with a major in BES: and STA3100
General Elective2141
2242Pre-requisite: and ( or STA2300 or )
General Elective2232

Year 3

General Elective3161
General Elective3262
General Elective3262
General Elective3262

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit majors - Animal Science, Biology, Computing, Environment and Sustainability, Human Physiology, Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Wine Science

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

Students undertaking an eight-unit major as a first major should:

  • study the beginning of this section that describes the program structure and requirements for the award of the Bachelor of Science. Notably four units in the program must be at level 3.

  • select at least one major from the eight-unit majors listed in the previous pages. Select courses from that/those major(s) bearing in mind the requirements for the award and possible pre-requisite requirements. It is strongly suggested that students start with core courses and level 1 courses in their first year of study and progress to level 2 and level 3 courses in their second and third years of study respectively.

  • select elective courses. Students should refer to the courses in the section of the Handbook to help with the selection of elective courses. Students may select their electives as a package as described in the section, or they may select any courses of interest providing they obtain approval from the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences

  • having arrived at an appropriate enrolment plan construct a table detailing the intended progression through the program.

  • contact the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences when they arrive at the University, or before they arrive to verify that their selection is appropriate.

There is sufficient flexibility in the Bachelor of Science requirements to allow individual students to design a program well suited to their needs. Students should contact the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences to discuss their program structure as major combinations are timetable dependent.

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Animal Science

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

11,211Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
General Elective (Or Major 2)1212

Year 2

General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
2222Pre-requisite: (BIO1100 or or )
General Elective (Or Major 2)2222
General Elective (Or Major 2)2222

Year 3

General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
AGR3202 Animal Reproduction@*3131HR
General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
AGR3302 Sensors & Technology in Animal Production@3232
General Elective (Or Major 2)3232
General Elective (Or Major 2)3232
General Elective (Or Major 2)3232

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
$If students are enrolled in the Biology Major as well as the Animal Science major, students are to take in its place.
@This course will be offered in 2022.

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Biology

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

To complete the award, students taking an eight-unit major must undertake either:

  • one further 8 unit second major and 4 units of elective courses or

  • a further 12 units of elective courses negotiated with the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.

Six (6) of the following courses, with at least two being Level 3 courses (provided prerequisites have been met):

2222Pre-requisite: (BIO1100 or or )
3232HRPre-requisite: or BIO1100 or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCSC or GDSI or MSCN.

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Computing

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

11,21 1, 2, 3
11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if MGT1200 has been previously completed.
11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
General Elective (or major 2)1212
General Elective (or major 2)1212

Year 2

2121Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT or MCTN
21,221, 2Pre-requisite:
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
2222Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222

Year 3

Choose 3 of the following courses

     2222Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: UCCC or GDTI or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT or MCTN or BSED
     3131Pre-requisite: or Enrolment is not permitted in if CIS2002 has been previously completed.
     3131Pre-req: ; and Pre-req or Co-req: ; or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT Enrolment is not permitted in if CIS3001 has been previously completed
     3131Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT
     3232Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or GCEN or METC or MCOT or MCTE or MCOP or MPIT
General Elective (or major 2)31,231,2
General Elective (or major 2)31,231,2
General Elective (or major 2)31,231,2
General Elective (or major 2)31,231,2
General Elective (or major 2)31,231,2

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Counselling

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if MGT1200 has been previously completed.
General Elective or second Major1111
1212,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
General Elective or second Major1212

Year 2

21RPre-requisite: or ( and )
General Elective or second Major2121
General Elective or second Major2121
General Elective or second Major2121

One of the following two courses:

     22RPre-requisite: Students must have successfully completed 8 units prior to enrolling
     2222Pre-requisite: for students enrolled in the BPSH and BPSB programs and or for students enrolled in the BSCI (Counselling) major. Students from other programs who wish to take this course will need permission from the examiner.
General Elective or second Major2222
General Elective or second Major2222
General Elective or second Major2222

Year 3

31RPre-requisite: Pre-requisite or Co-requisite:
^31,3Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.
General Elective or second Major3131
General Elective or second Major3131

Choose two of the following three courses:

     ^31,3Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.
     ~3331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
General Elective or second Major3232
General Elective or second Major3232

^Students are required to enrol in and as early as possible in the required year of study as places are limited.
~Numbers of enrolments are limited. Students must have an approved placement before being able to enrol. Students should request to enrol by .

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Environment and Sustainability

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

General Elective (or major 2)1212
1212,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
General Elective (Or Major 2)1222

Year 2

General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222

Year 3

General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232

*Students may choose in lieu of if they wish.

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major – Food Science

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
General Elective (or major 2)1212
General Elective (or major 2)1212
General Elective (or major 2)1212

Year 2

General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222

Year 3

General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Human Physiology

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

1212,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.

Year 2

*2121HRPre-requisite: Co-requisite: STA2300 or
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121

one of the following two courses :

     General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222

Year 3

^31MPre-requisite: Co-requisite:
31Pre-requisite: and
General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
^Students wishing to take this course should seek advice from the Discipline Coordinator.
+On-campus mode unavailable in 2021

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Mathematics

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below

Note: Students are not able to enrol in the 12-unit Mathematics and Statistics major or the 8-unit Statistics major as a second major when completing this 8-unit Mathematics major. Students who wish to complete more Statistics courses should choose, or transfer to, the 12-unit Mathematics and Statistics major.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

1111, 2
11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
1212Pre-requisite: or or equivalent or approval from the examiner. Enrolment is not permitted in if MAT1200 has been previously completed.
1212Pre-requisite: or MAT1502 or or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MSCN or MEPR or BSED
General Elective or second major1212

Year 2

#2121Pre-requisite: ( or ) and ( or ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MPIT or MCOT or MCTE
General Elective or second major2121
General Elective or second major2121

one of the following two courses :

     +2121Pre-requisite: or or MAT2500
     *2121Pre-requisite: MAT1200 or or Students must be enrollled in one of the following Programs: MSCN or GDSI
General Elective or second major2222
General Elective or second major2222
General Elective or second major2222

one of the following two courses :

     +2222Pre-requisite: or MAT2500 or
     *2222Pre-requisite: (STA2300 or or equivalent) and ( or MAT2500 or )

Year 3

General Elective or second major3131
General Elective or second major3131
General Elective or second major3131

one of the following two courses :

     +3131Pre-requisite: or or MAT2500
     *3131Pre-requisite: MAT1200 or or Students must be enrollled in one of the following Programs: MSCN or GDSI
General Elective or second major3232
General Elective or second major3232
General Elective or second major3232

one of the following two courses :

     +3232Pre-requisite: or MAT2500 or
     *3232Pre-requisite: (STA2300 or or equivalent) and ( or MAT2500 or )

#To enrol in MAT2409 students should ensure they have first completed the prerequisite of CSC2410 (preferred) or CSC1401.
+The on-campus offering of this course is offered in even-numbered years only.
*The on-campus offering of this course is offered in odd-numbered years only.

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Physical Sciences

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

1111Co-requisite: ( or ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSCN or GDSI or GCSC
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general electives1111
1212Co-requisite: ( or ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSCN or GDSI or GCSC
1212Pre-requisite: or MAT1502 or or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MSCN or MEPR or BSED
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general electives1212

Year 2

21Pre-requisite: and
21, 221,2Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective2121
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective2121
22Pre-requisite: and
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective2222

Year 3

#31HRPre-requisite: and
31Pre-requisite or Co-requisite:
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3131
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3131
**#32HRPre-requisite: and
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3232
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3232
Course selected from 2nd major area or minor or general elective3232

#This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).
**Students who have completed PHYS313 through UNE are unable to enrol in .

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major – Plant Agricultural Science

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
General Elective (or major 2)1212
General Elective (or major 2)1212

Year 2

General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222

Year 3

General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3131
3232HRPre-requisite: or BIO1100 or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCSC or GDSI or MSCN.
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232

*This offering has a highly recommended residential school (linked to an assessment item and non-attendance will mean a student misses an element for assessment preparation or an element of assessment).

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Statistics

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below

Note: Students are not able to enrol in the 12-unit Mathematics and Statistics major or the 8-unit Mathematics major as a second major when completing this 8-unit Statistics major. Students who wish to complete more Mathematics courses should choose, or transfer to, the 12-unit Mathematics and Statistics major.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

1111, 2
11,211,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.
General Elecive (or major 2)1212
1212Pre-requisite: or MAT1502 or or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MSCN or MEPR or BSED
General Elective (or major 2)1212

Year 2

#2121Pre-requisite: ( or ) and ( or ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MPIT or MCOT or MCTE
*2121Pre-requisite: (STA2300 or or equivalent) and ( or )
21Pre-requisite: STA2300 or
General Elective (or major 2)2121
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222
General Elective (or major 2)2222

Year 3

3131Pre-requisite: STA2300 or or equivalent or approval of examiner
General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3131
General Elective (or major 2)3131
3232Pre-requisite: or approval of examiner or Students must have completed and be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCSC or GDSI or MSCN or MADS or MSCR or DPHD.
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232
General Elective (or major 2)3232

#To enrol in MAT2409 students should ensure they have first completed the prerequisite of CSC2410 (preferred) or CSC1401. Alternatively, students may choose MAT2200 (no prerequisites required) as an approved replacement for MAT2409.
*The on-campus offering of this course is unavailable in 2021

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - 8 unit major - Wine Science

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students studying part-time should complete the major in a logical sequence as to reflect as close as possible the enrolment pattern below.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

Elective (Or Major 2)1111
General Elective (Or Major 2)1111
General Elective (Or Major 2)1212
1212,3Enrolment is not permitted in if STA2300 or has been previously completed.

Year 2

General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2121
General Elective (Or Major 2)2222

Year 3

General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
3331,2,3Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)
General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
General Elective (Or Major 2)3131
General Elective (Or Major 2)3232
General Elective (Or Major 2)3232