List of USQ programs offered at Toowoomba campus
- Business and Commerce
- Creative Arts and Media
- Education
- Engineering and Built Environment
- Health and Community
- Humanities and Communication
- Information Technology
- Law and Justice
- Sciences
- English Language programs
- Pathway programs
Display only programs open for admission.
Business and Commerce
Program | Mode | Start |
Diploma of Business Administration (DPBA) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External | No new admissions |
Associate Degree of Business (ADBS) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External | No new admissions |
Associate Degree of Business (ADBC) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Aviation (BAVN) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) | S1 |
Bachelor of Business (BBUS) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBAD) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Business (BBCM) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Information Technology (BITC) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (BABZ) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (BACB) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce (BABC) | On-campus (Fraser Coast, Toowoomba) External | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information Technology (BBIT) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information Technology (BCIN) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws (BCLW) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science (BCSE) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Accounting and Sustainable Business (BSBC) | On-campus (Springfield) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Business (BCBZ) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Technology (BCIT) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science (BCSC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (—) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Business (BEBB) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business (BEBC) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business (BEHB) | On-campus ( Toowoomba) External ( ) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Business (BSBB) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | No new admissions |
Graduate Certificate in Business (GCBS) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Graduate Certificate of Business (GCBU) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Diploma of Business (GDBS) | On-campus (Toowoomba#, Springfld*) External | No new admissions |
Graduate Diploma of Business (GDBZ) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Business (MBIS) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Master of Business Administration (MBAD) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Business Administration - International Business (MBAI) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Master of Business (MBSI) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Management (MMGT) | External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Master of Professional Accounting (MPAC) | On-campus (
Toowoomba, Springfield) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Professional Accounting (MP12) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External Online | No new admissions |
Master of Professional Accounting Extended (MPAE) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External Online | No new admissions |
Master of Project Management (MPRM) | On-campus (Springfld) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Master of Business Administration and Master of Professional Accounting (MBAC) | On-campus (Springfield; Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Business Administration and Master of Professional Accounting (MBPA) | On-campus (Springfield; Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Master of Project Management and Master of Business Administration (MBAP) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Master of Business Research (MBSR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Business Administration (DBAR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Creative Arts and Media
Program | Mode | Start |
Diploma of Arts (DART) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Arts (BART) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Communication and Media (BCNM) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Creative Arts (BCAR) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Creative Arts (BCRA) | On-campus (
Toowoomba) External ( Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing (BCAW) ![]() | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Design and Interactive Technologies (BDIT) ![]() | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Film and Screen Production (BFSP) ![]() | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Theatre (BTHT) ![]() | On-campus (Toowoomba) External Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Visual Art (BVSA) ![]() | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (BAHN) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (BCAH) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (BABZ) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (BACB) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BABL) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BALW) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BASC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Arts (MARA) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Doctor of Creative Arts (DCAR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Program | Mode | Start |
Bachelor of Early Childhood (BECH) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Education (BEDU) | On-campus (
Toowoomba, Springfield) External ( Springfield, Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) (BEED) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Education (Primary) (BPED) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (BSED) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Education (Honours) (BEDH) | On-campus (
Toowoomba, Springfield) Online | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Engineering Science and Bachelor of Vocational Education & Training (BNBV) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External Online | No new admissions |
Graduate Certificate of Education (GCED) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Graduate Certificate of Education (GCEF) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Certificate of Professional Studies (GCPS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics (PGAL) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching (GDTL) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Applied Linguistics (MALN) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Applied Linguistics (MAPL) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Education (Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)) or Master of Education (Full Fee Paying (FFP)) (MEDCorMEDF) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Education (MEDA) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Education (Full Fee Paying) (MEDB) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Education (8 units) (MED1) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Education (8 Units) (MED3) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Professional Studies (Research) (MPSR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Doctor of Professional Studies (DPRS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Engineering and Built Environment
Health and Community
Program | Mode | Start |
Diploma of Community Welfare and Development (DCWD) | On-campus External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Diploma of Human Services and Development (DHSD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Associate Degree of Biomedical Sciences (ABSC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Associate Degree of Medical Laboratory Science (AMLS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (BBSC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Human Services (BHMS) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Nursing (BNSG) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Nursing (BNUR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Science (BSCI) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (BSES) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Health (Honours) (BHEH) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (BSCH) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BABS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science (BCSC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (—) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science (BEHS) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Business (BSBB) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | No new admissions |
Graduate Diploma of Health (GDHH) | External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Master of Clinical Psychology - Advanced Entry (MCPA) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1 |
Master of Health (MOHH) | External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Master of Nursing (MNRS) | External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Master of Psychology (Clinical) (Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)) or Master of Psychology (Clinical) (Full Fee Paying (FFP)) (MPCLorMPCF) | On-campus (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Master of Science (MSCN) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Master of Psychology/PhD (Clinical Psychology) (MPHD) | On-campus (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Master of Science (Research) (MSCR) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) (DPCL) | On-campus (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Humanities and Communication
Program | Mode | Start |
Diploma of Arts (DART) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Arts (BART) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Communication (BCMM) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Communication and Media (BCNM) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of General Studies (BGEN) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of International Studies (BIST) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Social Science (BSSC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (BAHN) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (BABZ) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (BACB) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce (BABC) | On-campus (Fraser Coast, Toowoomba) External | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BABL) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BALW) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BABS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BASC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Arts (MARA) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Public Relations (MPRL) | External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Information Technology
Program | Mode | Start |
Associate Degree of Business (ADBC) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Business (BBCM) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Information Technology (BITC) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Science (BSCI) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (BSCH) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (BACB) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BABS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BASC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information Technology (BCIN) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science (BCSE) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science (BCSC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (—) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Information Technology (BEHI) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science (BEHS) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Business (BSBB) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | No new admissions |
Graduate Certificate in Business (GCBS) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Graduate Certificate of Business (GCBU) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Certificate of Science (GCSC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Diploma of Business (GDBZ) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Diploma of Business (GDBS) | On-campus (Toowoomba#, Springfld*) External | No new admissions |
Graduate Diploma of Information Technology (GDTI) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Diploma of Science (GDSI) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Master of Business (MBIS) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Master of Business Administration (MBAD) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Business (MBSI) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Computing (MCOP) | On-campus (
Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Computing Technology, Master of Computing Technology (Extended) (MCOTorMCTE) | On-campus ( Toowoomba) External | No new admissions |
Master of Information Technology (MCTN) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Master of Cyber Security (MCYS) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Data Science (MADS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Information Systems (MISP) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Information Systems (MIST) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (-) | No new admissions |
Master of Information Systems Extended (MISX) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (-) | No new admissions |
Master of IT Innovation (MATI) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Science (MSCN) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Master of Business Administration and Master of Professional Accounting (MBAC) | On-campus (Springfield; Toowoomba) Online | No new admissions |
Master of Business Research (MBSR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Master of Science (Research) (MSCR) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Business Administration (DBAR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Law and Justice
Program | Mode | Start |
Associate Degree of Criminology and Criminal Justice (ADCJ) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Laws (BLAW) | On-campus (Toowoomba; Springfld) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Laws (LLBP) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (LLBH) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BABL) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BALW) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws (BBLA) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfld) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws (BCLW) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws (BCLA) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfld) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Graduate Certificate in Business (GCBS) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Master of Laws (Research) (LLMR) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Program | Mode | Start |
Diploma of Science (DPSC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Science (BSCI) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Wine) (BTWN) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (BSCH) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BABS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (Toowoomba) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BASC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science (BCSE) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science (BCSC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External (—) | No new admissions |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science (BEHS) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Business (BSBB) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | No new admissions |
Graduate Certificate of Science (GCSC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Diploma of Science (GDSI) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Master of Data Science (MADS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Science (MSCN) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Master of Sustainability Science (MSSC) | External (
Toowoomba) | S1 |
Master of Science (Research) (MSCR) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
English Language programs
Program | Mode | Start |
Academic Communication Skills Program (ACSP) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) | S1, S2, S3 |
English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELES) | On-campus (Toowoomba) | S1, S2, S3 |
English for Academic Purposes (EAPP) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) | S1, S2, S3 |
Diploma of English for University Studies (DEUS) | On-campus (Toowoomba, Springfield, Ipswich) | No new admissions |
Pathway programs
Program | Mode | Start |
Tertiary Preparation Program (ACEQorPREPorTPPG) | On-campus ( Toowoomba, Springfield, Ipswich) Online | S1, S2, S3 |