List of all USQ programs
- Business and Commerce
- Creative Arts and Media
- Education
- Engineering and Built Environment
- Health and Community
- Humanities and Communication
- Information Technology
- Law and Justice
- Sciences
- English Language programs
- Pathway programs
Current students please note that your program will not be listed here if it is not offered to commencing students. To find your program, display all programs.
Business and Commerce
Undergraduate programs
Programs at Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree and Honours level.Program | Mode | Start |
Associate Degree of Business (ADBC) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Aviation (BAVN) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) | S1 |
Bachelor of Business (BBCM) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Information Technology (BITC) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (BACB) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information Technology (BCIN) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws (BCLW) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science (BCSE) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business (BEBC) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Postgraduate programs
Programs at Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master level.Program | Mode | Start |
Graduate Certificate of Aviation (GCAV) | Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Certificate of Business (GCBU) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Certificate of Business Administration (GCBA) | Online | TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6 |
Graduate Certificate of Leadership and Coaching (GCLC) | On-campus (Springfield) Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Certificate of Workforce Diversity and Inclusion (GCDI) | Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Diploma of Aviation (GDAV) | Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Diploma of Business (GDBZ) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Diploma of Business Administration (GDBA) | Online | TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6 |
Master of Adaptive Leadership (MALP) | Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Aviation (MAVN) | Online | S1, S2 |
Master of Business Administration (MBAL) | Online | TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6 |
Master of Business (MBSI) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Project Management (MPPM) | On-campus (Springfield) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Research programs
Programs which require the student to research a specific topic under the guidance of a supervisor.Program | Mode | Start |
Master of Business Research (MBSR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Business Administration (DBAR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Creative Arts and Media
Undergraduate programs
Programs at Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree and Honours level.Program | Mode | Start |
Bachelor of Arts (BART) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Communication and Media (BCNM) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Creative Arts (BCAR) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing (BCAW) ![]() | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Design and Interactive Technologies (BDIT) ![]() | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Film and Screen Production (BFSP) ![]() | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Music (BMUC) ![]() | On-campus (Springfield) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Television and Radio Production (BTVR) ![]() | On-campus (Springfield) External | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Theatre (BTHT) ![]() | On-campus (Toowoomba) External Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Visual Art (BVSA) ![]() | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (BAHN) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (BCAH) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (BACB) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BALW) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BASC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Postgraduate programs
Programs at Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master level.Program | Mode | Start |
Graduate Certificate of Editing and Publishing (GCEP) | Online | S1 |
Graduate Diploma of Editing and Publishing (GDPU) | Online | S1 |
Master of Editing and Publishing (MAEP) | Online | S1 |
Research programs
Programs which require the student to research a specific topic under the guidance of a supervisor.Program | Mode | Start |
Doctor of Creative Arts (DCAR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Undergraduate programs
Programs at Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree and Honours level.Program | Mode | Start |
Undergraduate Certificate of Child and Family Studies (UCCF) | Online | S1, S2 |
Undergraduate Certificate of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) (UCTE) | Online | S1, S2 |
Undergraduate Certificate of Teaching (Primary) (UCTP) | Online | S1, S2 |
Undergraduate Certificate of Teaching (Secondary) (UCTS) | Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Early Childhood (BECH) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) (BEED) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Education (Primary) (BPED) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (BSED) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Postgraduate programs
Programs at Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master level.Program | Mode | Start |
Graduate Certificate of Education (Special Education) (GCEE) | Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Certificate of Education (GCEF) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Certificate of Education (Guidance and Counselling) (GCEG) | Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Certificate of Professional Studies (GCPS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Certificate of Education (TESOL) (GCTS) | Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Diploma of Education (Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)) or Graduate Diploma of Education (Full Fee Paying (FFP)) (GDEDorGDEF) | Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Education (Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)) or Master of Education (Full Fee Paying (FFP)) (MEDCorMEDF) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Learning and Teaching (Early Years) (MELT) ![]() | External | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Learning and Teaching (MOLT) | Online | S1, S2 |
Master of Learning and Teaching (Primary) (MPLT) ![]() | External | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Learning and Teaching (Secondary) (MSLT) ![]() | External | S1, S2, S3 |
Research programs
Programs which require the student to research a specific topic under the guidance of a supervisor.Program | Mode | Start |
Master of Professional Studies (Research) (MPSR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Doctor of Education (DEDU) | Online | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Professional Studies (DPRS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Engineering and Built Environment
Undergraduate programs
Programs at Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree and Honours level.Postgraduate programs
Programs at Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master level.Program | Mode | Start |
Graduate Certificate of Engineering Practice (GEPR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Certificate of Engineering Science (GCNS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Graduate Certificate of Spatial Science Technology (GCST) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Diploma of Engineering Science (GDNS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Graduate Diploma of Spatial Science Technology (GDST) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Advanced Engineering (MAEN) | Online | S1, S2 |
Master of Engineering Practice (MEPR) | External | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Engineering Science (MENS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Spatial Science Technology (MSPT) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Research programs
Programs which require the student to research a specific topic under the guidance of a supervisor.Program | Mode | Start |
Master of Engineering Research (MENR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Professional Engineering (DPEN) | External | S1, S2, S3 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Health and Community
Undergraduate programs
Programs at Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree and Honours level.Postgraduate programs
Programs at Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master level.Program | Mode | Start |
Graduate Certificate of Counselling (GCCO) | External Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Certificate of Health Clinical Education (GCHE) | Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Certificate of Health (GCHH) | External | S1, S2 |
Graduate Certificate of Nursing (GCNG) ![]() | External Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Certificate of Public Health (GCPU) ![]() | External | S1, S2 |
Graduate Certificate of Sport and Exercise (GCSE) | On-campus (Ipswich) External | S1, S2 |
Graduate Diploma of Counselling (GDCN) | External | S1, S2 |
Graduate Diploma of Nursing (GDNG) | External Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Diploma of Public Health (GDPH) ![]() | External | S1, S2 |
Master of Clinical Psychology (MCPS) | On-campus (Ipswich) External | S1 |
Master of Clinical Psychology - Advanced Entry (MCPA) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1 |
Master of Counselling (MCCO) | External | S1, S2 |
Master of Nursing (MNSG) | External Online | S1, S2 |
Master of Professional Psychology (MPPS) | On-campus (Ipswich) External | S1 |
Master of Public Health (MPUH) ![]() | External | S1, S2 |
Master of Science (MSCN) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Research programs
Programs which require the student to research a specific topic under the guidance of a supervisor.Program | Mode | Start |
Master of Science (Research) (MSCR) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Humanities and Communication
Undergraduate programs
Programs at Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree and Honours level.Program | Mode | Start |
Bachelor of Arts (BART) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Communication and Media (BCNM) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of General Studies (BGEN) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (BAHN) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (BACB) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BALW) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BASC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Postgraduate programs
Programs at Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master level.Program | Mode | Start |
Graduate Certificate of Editing and Publishing (GCEP) | Online | S1 |
Graduate Certificate of Professional Communication (GCMM) | Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Certificate of Public Relations (GCPR) | Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Diploma of Editing and Publishing (GDPU) | Online | S1 |
Graduate Diploma of Public Relations (GDPR) | Online | S1 |
Master of Editing and Publishing (MAEP) | Online | S1 |
Research programs
Programs which require the student to research a specific topic under the guidance of a supervisor.Program | Mode | Start |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Information Technology
Undergraduate programs
Programs at Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree and Honours level.Postgraduate programs
Programs at Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master level.Program | Mode | Start |
Graduate Certificate of Business (GCBU) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Certificate of Science (GCSC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Diploma of Business (GDBZ) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Diploma of Information Technology (GDTI) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Diploma of Science (GDSI) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Master of Business (MBSI) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Information Technology (MCTN) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Master of Cyber Security (MCYS) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Data Science (MADS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Information Systems (MISP) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Science (MSCN) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Research programs
Programs which require the student to research a specific topic under the guidance of a supervisor.Program | Mode | Start |
Master of Business Research (MBSR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Master of Science (Research) (MSCR) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Business Administration (DBAR) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Law and Justice
Undergraduate programs
Programs at Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree and Honours level.Program | Mode | Start |
Associate Degree of Criminology and Criminal Justice (ADCJ) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Laws (LLBP) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (LLBH) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BALW) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws (BCLW) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Postgraduate programs
Programs at Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master level.Program | Mode | Start |
Juris Doctor (DJUR) | Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Laws (LLMC) | Online | S1, S2 |
Research programs
Programs which require the student to research a specific topic under the guidance of a supervisor.Program | Mode | Start |
Master of Laws (Research) (LLMR) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Undergraduate programs
Programs at Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree and Honours level.Program | Mode | Start |
Diploma of Science (DPSC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2 |
Diploma of Wine (DWIN) | External | S1 |
Bachelor of Science (BSCI) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (BSCH) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External Online | S1, S2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BASC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science (BCSE) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science (BEHS) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Postgraduate programs
Programs at Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master level.Program | Mode | Start |
Graduate Certificate of Agricultural Futures (GCAG) | Online | S1, S2 |
Graduate Certificate of Science (GCSC) | On-campus (Toowoomba) External | S1, S2, S3 |
Graduate Diploma of Science (GDSI) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Master of Data Science (MADS) | On-campus (Toowoomba) Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Master of Science (MSCN) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Master of Sustainability Science (MSSC) | External (
Toowoomba) | S1 |
Research programs
Programs which require the student to research a specific topic under the guidance of a supervisor.Program | Mode | Start |
Master of Science (Research) (MSCR) | On-campus (Ipswich, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD) | On-campus (Ipswich, Springfield, Toowoomba) External | S1, S2 |
English Language programs
English Language programs
Programs to develop English language skills or for students who do not have the minimum entry requirements to go directly into a tertiary program.Program | Mode | Start |
Academic Communication Skills Program (ACSP) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) | S1, S2, S3 |
English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELES) | On-campus (Toowoomba) | S1, S2, S3 |
English for Academic Purposes (EAPP) | On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba) | S1, S2, S3 |
Pathway programs
Foundation diplomas
Program | Mode | Start |
Certificate of University Studies (COUS) | Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Diploma of University Studies (DOUS) | Online | S1, S2, S3 |
Undergraduate Certificate of STEM Foundations (UCSF) | Online | S2 |
Pathway programs
Based on the needs of students to gain entry in University award programs, USQ offers a number of preparatory and non-award programs.Program | Mode | Start |
Accelerated Entry Pathway Program (AEPP) | External | S3 |
Indigenous Higher Education Pathways Program (IHPP) | External | S1, S2 |
Tertiary Preparation Program (ACEQorPREPorTPPG) | On-campus ( Toowoomba, Springfield, Ipswich) Online | S1, S2, S3 |